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Carries POV

PonyBoy and I walk into the theater quietly. Pony buys the tickets and we walk in. I don't know where my sudden burst of somewhat incidence comes from but I grab him hand. He blushes looking at our hands and smiles. My cheeks are on fire.

We walk to the snacks and but a popcorn and drink to share. We go into the movie. "You look beautiful," Pony says smiling. I look at my shoes and say thanks.

"You look really nice too," I say my cheeks now blazing.

"Thanks," The movie starts and we sit and watch.

I go for popcorn and accidentally touch Ponys hand. Sparks erupt and I mentally curse myself out. During the
Movie there's a jump scare and without thinking I hide my head in Ponyboys shoulder.

He wraps his arm around me and we watch the rest of the movie. We walk out together. Hand in hand. "Carrie," Pontboy says my name and I freak out.

"I- I really like you,"

A big smile breaks out on my face, "I like you too," and just like that his lips are on mine.

As cliche as it sounds sparks are everywhere I feel and numb and fuzzy. But in a good way. I kiss him back and when we both pull away at the same like I blush and look down at my shoes.

Pony tucks a stray piece of hair behind my ear. I smile and we hold hands while walking back to the Curtis house.

"Carrie," Pony says as we arrive on the porch.

"Will you be my girl," he asks.

I smile, "Yes!" I kiss him on the lips an grab his hand running inside.

Addie let's out a big whoop and Darry smiles. The rest of the gang are congratulating Ponyboy. We sit on the couch and Pony wraps his arm around me.

Addie's POV

I sit next to TwoBit smiling to myself. "Why so smiley?" Two asks.

"My best girlie got herself a boy?" I says dragging out the word boy so Carrie can hear.

"Aw shut it Addie," Carrie says hiding her face in Ponys shoulder.

"Awwww," I squeal and go grab two beers.

I toss one beer to TwoBit and we finish watching whatever was on tv.

After all night of bickering and tv Pony carries a sleeping Carrie to his room to sleep.

"No funny business," Darry warns.

I smile to myself and my smile slightly falters when I think of my boyfriend. All locked up in a jail cell. I just hope he misses me as much as I miss him. That douche had to get caught and go to jail while I'm stuck here. I miss him bad.

Soda must've seen my frown because he said, "What's wrong Ads?"

"Ah nothing,"

"Cmon I know my best friend. Something's bothering you, what is it?" He asks.

"I just, I really miss Ole Dal," I say sheepishly smiling at my feet.

"I'm glad," soda says.


"Dally finally has someone who cares about him, like really loves him,"

"Who said I love him?"

"Addie, you know you do, you're just afraid to admit it,"

"I hate to say this, but Sodas right," TwoBit says.

"Whatever guys, he better get out of jail soon, that's all I have to say." I say. I sigh. Dallas.

One Month Later

Dallas's POV

"Yes sir," I nod as the cop let's me out of the cell.

"Don't get into anymore trouble," he says.

Pft does this guy know me? I'm Dallas Winston trouble is my middle name. I just don't get caught.

I grab my stuff they took away from me when I got arrested and walk out the door. I walk along the road to the Curtis's.

The only thing on my mind is Addie. Man did I miss her. She was the best thing that happened to me. I arrive at the Curtis's door and hear,

Addie's POV

"Your all bitches!" I yell as Steve, Soda, and TwoBit wake me up by pouring a whole bowl of water on me.

Steve and TwoBit are on the floor laughing so hard. I kick TwoBit on my way out to grab new clothes from Bucks. I walk out the door and my arm is quickly grabbed I turn around ready to beat Steve.

"Hold it Doll,"

"Dallas!" I yell jumping onto him making him fall down. I hug him even when he's on the ground. I sit up, still on top of him.

"The one and only," he says. I pull him into a passionate kiss, then shove him back.

"Don't you ever leave me like that again asshole!" I yell, " Do you know how much I missed you!"

"Baby I missed you too!"

"Dally!" TwoBit yells standing at the door, "Damn Addie," he says looking at the position we're in.

"Woah Dal I thought you weren't gonna get out for a while," Soda says.

"Got out for good behavior," he smirks and I help him up.

"Ha, are they stupid?" I ask.

"Aw baby, you don't mean that," Dal says.

"Yea I do," I smile and kiss his cheek.

A/N he's baaaaaaaaaaaaack

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It's a 5sos fanfic I'm sorry 😂

It's called Forever?

It's for all you Ashton girls like myself

Like damn boy

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