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"Addie!" I hear a voice yell as I enter the Curtis household.

I look up and see PonyBoy rushing over to me.

"Pony?" I say in confusion as the boy hugs me

"Do you remember me?" I ask.

"Yes!" he squeals, "Well mostly,"

"That's better than not at all," I smile brightly.

Carrie grabs her boyfriends hand after we are done hugging and cuddles into his side. I do the same and cuddle mine.

We all talk and hang for hours trying to help Pony get his memory back. After what feels like only two minutes we look out at the dark sky.

"Wanna head home?" Dal whispers in my ear.

I nod and we say our goodbyes. Dal and I start walking but I pull him into a diner. He looks at me in confusion and I smile. We get seated and order.

"It's a good thing Pony got his memory back," Dallas says.

"Yea, if he didn't I would've had another breakdown," I weakly smiled.

Dal leans back and looks around the diner all badass like.

Soon enough some bitch walks over to our table all seductive like.

"Hey Dal," she purrs close to his ear.

I scoff and she looks at me and rolls her eyes.

The girl places her hand of Dal's shoulder and boy and I about to lay my hands on her. Dal doesn't even seem phased. Like he's used to it. That bitch.

"Hey, bitch if you don't want my fist in your face I suggest you back off my boyfriend," I say done with everyone's shit.

"Nah, I think he likes me better," she says in an annoying whiney voice.

If i were in a cartoon steam would be pouring out of my ears like a chimney. This isn't a cartoon, if it was I would've thrown a piano on her by now.

"Dallas," I look him in he eyes.

He pushes the girl away and she scoffs and runs away.

The waitress places our food in front of us and I angrily eat my fries.

"What's wrong baby?" Dallas asks as we finish up our food.

I don't reply, I just roll my eyes.

"Babe," he says in his thick new yorkern accent.

I stand up and grab my jacket to leave. Dal grabs my wrist and pulls me over to the jukebox. Confused, I look at him.

Elvis Presley's Can't Help Falling In Love came on. I have to say Elvis has an amazing voice. Dal did something I would never expect him to do and he grabs my waist and starts swaying to the music. I would've never expected Dal to do this in a million years.

We keep swaying, his face buried in my hair. A big smile breaks out on my face.

All the sudden a feel a hand on my ass, then a slight pinch. "Dal," I jump.

"Always have to ruin the moment you cheeky bastard," I say as the song ends.

He gives me a full smile, a smile from him I rarely see.

"I might just be falling for you," He whispers in my ear.

a/n pOtatoLUMPS

Adelaide - A Dallas Winston fic (being edited)Where stories live. Discover now