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*two days*

Two days. Two god forsaken days. My child died two days ago.  I let out the biggest sigh and get out of get shoving my work clothes on not bothering with makeup I'd probably cry it off anyway, I toss my hair is a bun stray hairs falling out of it. I grab my necessities and leave.

"Hey Addie how's the baby?" Jinny my co-worker asks.

Here comes the waterworks.

"Jinny I lost him,"

Jinny looks at me concern in her eyes.

"I had a miscarriage," I reply softly.

"Oh Addie," she cries pulling me into a hug.

"Doll take the day off I'll cover for you, please," she assures.

I look through the hairs that had fallen in my face at her.

"Jinny, I can't," I say.

"Oh shush darlin' you've been through too much," She gives me one last hug before shooing me off.

I trudge home just as the sky darkens with clouds. I lock my door and collapse on the floor, I'm a mess. I just can't take it. Why me. Why my baby.

I knock everything off my table and throw my lamp across the room watching as it shatters against the wall. I go to my bedroom and open the drawers real fast and pull out all the baby things I bought. I grab my lighter and rush to a lonely bridge.

I don't know exactly what I was thinking but I set all the baby items on the ground and lit them on fire. I'm going insane I thought to myself as I start bawling. I never liked crying but I couldn't help it. I start shaking and my vision is blurred from the tears but all I hear is tires screeching and felt myself getting pulled back.

"What were you thinking?!" A familiar male voice yells at me.

"I wasn't," I reply coldly.

"You could've gotten killed," the New Yorkern accented boy scolded me.

"Not like it would matter," I rush out before I start crying again.


I can't get her out of my mind at all. Basically a month and I'm still grieving over her. Every time I see a dirty blonde I think of her. I'm going insane.

The guys resent me but still hang out with me. Even Johnny didn't like me. Now I don't know where I'm going but I drank a bit so I'm buzzed and just walking.

I hear fire crackling and look up. My eyes are playing tricks on me cause I see Adelaide in the middle of the street hovered over a fire. I walk closer and make out the girls face. It's definitely Addie, and she's crying. I feel an unfamiliar pain in my chest.

I look up again and see a car heading straight towards her. I run as fast as I could and grabbed her out of the way.

"What were you thinking," I yelled.

"I wasn't," she said monotonely.

"You could have died," I scolded her afraid.

"Not like it would matter," she tries to play it cool but just sobs.

I pull her into my chest feeling the same pain. I wish I would have never closed the door. I wished I didn't let her walk out. I hate myself for getting drunk and hooking up with that sloppy broad.

I told myself, tried to convince myself to walk over to Addie's house and tell her that I would man up and help with the child. Even if every bone in my body hated children. I would apologize for ever letting her go.

I pick her up seeing as she's shaking, tears falling down her cheeks. I walk her to her house. I remembered where she lived because of one day when I was going to apologize I followed her home but chickened out.

I push open the door that was left unlocked. I look around and see things thrown around, a broken lamp and a sink full of weeks worth of dishes. I walk past all of it my hysteric love in my arms. I lay her down in her bed and take off her shoes for her. I take it upon myself to take her out of her work clothes and put her in a pair of flannel bottoms and a top.

I see her beautiful body but restrain myself. I want to hold her and tell her I loved her. I wrapped her in a blanket and kissed her forehead. I turn around and start leaving thinking she fell asleep.

"I lost him," I heard her faintly say, "I lost our baby," she cries.

I turn back around and look at her sorrowful face.

"I'm sorry. I'm a terrible mom, our child is dead," she says blankly.

"Baby, it isn't your fault," I say saddened by the news.

She has an unemotional face while tears fall from her beautiful blue eyes. I walk over and get in bed with her. I hold her in my arms trying my best to comfort her. 

Adelaide - A Dallas Winston fic (being edited)Where stories live. Discover now