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I wake up in the same clothes as yesterday with my head on someone's firm shoulder. I lift my head up only to see the one and only Dallas Winston.

He almost looked innocent sleeping. Almost. I really have to pee, so I try and make as little of noise and movement and get off the couch.

"Morning," I hear a raspy voice say.

Dallas looks at me with tired eyes and I wave and rush to the bathroom. Banging on the locked bathroom door I yell hurry up.

"Hang on," I hear Soda yell.  

He comes out in just a towel and I rush past him into the bathroom. When I come out I see Darry making breakfast.

"Good Morning Addie,"

"Mornin Darry,"

I walk make and see Dally a little more waken up.

"You left me hanging doll,"

"Sorry a girls gotta go when a girls gotta go," I say shrugging.

I sit next to Dally and watch the tv. Dally pull me to his side, cuddling me. And to be honest it felt relaxing.

"So what are we gonna do today?" I ask.

"I'm gonna take Pony and Johnny and whoever else wants to go to the lake," Dally says.

"To swim?" I ask.

"What else?"

"Whatever, I'm in. When?"

"Right now," Pony says as he enters the room with towels.

We get to the lake Two-Bit tagging along. Everyone strips down to their underwear, so I do too.

"Wow," Dally says his eyes raking my half naked body, so I wrap my hands around my stomach and glare at him.

I walk to the lake.

"Jump in on three?" Johnny asks Pony and me.


"3... 2... 1," Pony counts down.

We all jump in Two-Bit at the last second. The water is freezing at first, but I get adjusted. Two comes up chattering.

"Warm me up?" Two-Bit says to me with a smirk.

"I'm good, you can freeze," I smile.

I look around looking for Dally, but sure enough he's on the shore.

"Get your ass in here!" I yell to Dally.

"But it looks cold," he smirks.

These fucking boys and their smirks. I pout and Dally starts to come over.

"Help me out please," I say holding my hand out to Dally.

The fool reaches down and I pull him in. He playfully pouts, like an adorable 5 year old.

"Not fair,"

"No one said I was fair hon," I smirk.

We all play in the lake for hours on end until we get hungry and decide to get food. I put my clothes back of and dry my hair with a towel. We all walk to the restaurant. Dally tries to put his arm around me, so I smirk and move out of the way.

I put my arm around Johnny instead and stick my tongue out at Dal.

"Wow babe, I thought you liked me," Dal says.

"Whoever told you that was lying to you," I give him a cheeky smile and keep walking with Johnny.

We get to whatever restaurant we're at and slid into a booth. I'm next to Dally who has his arm around my shoulders. Johnny and Pony across from us and Two pulled up a chair and sat on it backwards. We all get out orders and are eating.

"I've never seen a girl eat a burger faster," Two-Bit laughs.

"What? I was hungry," I flick a fry at Two. Which he eats.

We all have our conversations and get to know each other even more, more laughing than talking. I see some random chick walk up to our table.

"You can do so much better than that poor whore," she scoffs and hands Dally her number.

"Um excuse me?! The 'poor whore' is right here and not deaf," I say in unbelief.

Two-Bit looks pretty amused.

"What a shame," she obviously fake pouts.

"Want a fight?" I say trying to stand up.

"Sorry don't want you ugliness to rub off on me,"

"Looks like it already has," I mumble under breath.

Two-Bit smothers a laugh and the girl glares at him, so he puts his hands in the air.

"What was that?" she challenges me.

"I said I don't want you STD's to rub off on me"

Two-Bit loses it and so do the rest of the guys.

"Ugh! Bitch," she goes back to flirting with Dally, then walks off.

"Damn Addie!" Two-Bit yells earning glares from others at the restaurant.

"Sorry Dal, I might've scared your one night stand off," I shrug.

"It's whatever man. You must be really jealous ," He says.

"I wasn't jealous, she called me a whore," I say.

Pony and Johnny give me looks.


"You were totally jealous," Two says.

"Whatever dickheads," I mumble and stick fries in my mouth.

Adelaide - A Dallas Winston fic (being edited)Where stories live. Discover now