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A/N JAJAHAHHAHAHA Can't get away from me this is dedicated to PunkPopRules and spiderman_kb y'all should check em out

Darry fixes up the unconscious Addie and I rush out still mad at the world.

Addie's POV

I hear voices around me. My eyes droopy and closed tight. I lift my arm to my head and groan.

"She's up!" I hear someone yell and I groan.

"Will you shut the fuck up please?" I have a massive headache.

"Yo guys what the hell happened," I ask slightly confused.

"You were kidnapped by your own father, he beat you up pretty badly. Dal was freaking out when you didn't return from the store so he had us all look for you. He broke in your house and we got you. When we got to you, you were unconcious," Soda explains, while I blink trying to get rid of my blurry vision.

"Where's Dal?" I ask almost afraid of the answer.

"He ran out," I recognize Chet's voice.

I groan and roll over trying to get up. "Ads, you should probably lay down," TwoBit says.

"Aw, TwoBit actually cares about me," I say sarcastially.

Two rolls his eyes and turns back to Mickey. "Do you guys have Ibuprofen?" I ask and Darry tosses me some.

The phone rings and Soda picks up. He called Darry over but I didn't really pay any attention to their conversation until they said, Dallas. I whip my head in their direction. Darry turns to us.

"Dal's in jail, but we don't have enough money to bail him right now," He explains.

"Can we visit him?" I ask.

"Yea, hop in the truck but be careful," Darry says. I grab Johhny's hand knowing he'll want to go and get in the truck.

We get to the jail and hop out. I speed inside and immediatly ask the front lady. "Can I see Dallas Winston,"

They lady looks at me popping her gum. "I don't know," she rolls her eyes.

Lady what the duck.

"Uhm," I say.

"Janice, do your job," A guy says sternly. The lady rolls her eyes once again and gets an officer.

"Here to visit Dallas Winston?" He ask. I look at his badge. Officer Raymond.

The officers get everything prepped and Johnny, Darry, and I walked into a room.

We walk in and I rush to Dal hugging him, not caring about the officers telling me not too. I get pulled off Dal but peck him on the lips before the cops can pull me off.

Dal smirks, "Couldn't stay away, aye doll?"

"I can just leave," I say getting up.

"No baby, please," Dal says and I sit back down.

We are sitting at a table across from Dal. Darry on my right and Johnny on my left. Dal in handcuffs. An officer by the door.

"Johnny, I missed ya man," Dal says. "You two Dar," He nods at Darry.

"You gotta stop getting in jail bud, we can't bail you out right now, we are tight on money," Darry says.

"Sorry Dar, got a reputation here," Dal smirks.

We talk a little more before the officers say we have a 30 seconds to wrap it up. Even with the officers many warnings, I can't help myself.

I lean over the table grabbing Dal's face and kissing him. I pull away before I can get yelled at and get up. Brushing off the invisible dust from my pants. I give Dal once last smile.

"Stay safe," I whisper and leave.

A/N okay so this was short but I wanted to get it out there. Love you guys. Thanks for readying and staying with me and my slow updates     😂

I have a problem young Matt Dillon is hot. Even now at 55 he's hot. Dear Lord help me. I'm not a panther or gerbil. Okay maybe. But cmon he is hot, don't deny it. You wouldn't be on this story if he was good looking let's be honest.


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