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"Hey!" TwoBit yells as I grab a slice of cake from him.

"Hi," I giggle shoving the cake in my mouth.

Darry's at work, everyone in the gang except Dal are here, I'm on the floor next to TwoBit watching Mickey Mouse. Laughing at TwoBit who was having a hard time getting that cake down.

"Wow Dally looks like you just got laid," I hear Steve say.

I look over and see Dally with his usual smirk his hair messier than usual. Jealousy comes back and I almost frown but playfully roll my eyes, playing it off.

"Sylvia back?"

Dal just nods, it makes my stomach turn. I've heard about her. Let me tell you I haven't even met the girl but I already don't like her.

"Hey Adds, c'mere," Soda says, so I follow him to his room.

Once I close the door behind me Soda immediately begins talking, "I know you like Dal,"

"What?!" I say completely baffled.

"You know you do it's pretty obvious, you looked pisses when you say that Dally got, well, you know,"

"I do not!"

He give me a look.

"Okay maybe I do," I shrug, "So what?"

"Awwww ya'll should get together,"

"Shut up," I shove him, "Anybody hears about this and you're dead," I threaten.

"Okay, okay," Soda says putting his hands up walking out.
I walk out and continue my day.

Threes days later.

Dick was insanely drunk and mad, so I ran out and went for a walk. I kick a rock when a socs car goes speeding by. I look over to the park and see Johnny and Pony. They aren't alone there was, a soc but he was on the ground. I rush over and see Ponyboy soaked in water and Johnny shaking.

"What the hell," I see the soc on the ground, bloody. He's dead.

"A-a-Addie, I k-killed him," Johnny says shaking.

I rush over and see a switchblade in his hand, covered in blood. I wrap my arms around Johnny. Poor kid.

"Pony what happened?" I ask him while giving him my leather jacket, because he was shivering in his wet shirt.

"Darry hit me so me and Johnny decided to run away and when we did the socs jumped us. They were drowning me in the fountain, so Johnny st-stabbed him,"

"Oh shit," I didn't know what to do, "Dallas! He'll know what to do c'mon,"

We walk to Bucks place and the door opens. "Hey Buck get Dallas," I say.

"He's busy,"

"Buck I swear to god get him right now or else," Buck just shrugs and goes to get Dallas.

Dal comes to the door shirtless, isn't that a sight to see. "Johnny killed a soc," Pony blurts out.

"Cmon," he grabs Johnny and Pony and walks upstairs, "Why are you wet?" he asks Pony.

"Sorry if we interrupted..." Pony trails off.

"Oh! I was just trying to catch up on some sleep," Dal says relieving me of my suspicions.

They explain to Dal everything that went down, Dal gives Pony a shirt and jacket.

"Here," Ponyboy hands me my jacket back.

"How are you wrapped up in this?" Dal asks looking at me searching my face. Almost like he was looking for scratches.

"I was on a walk and I saw them,"

"A walk, at this time of night alone?" he questions.

I struggle with words and he dismisses his question and tells Pony and Johnny what to do, giving them money and a gun.

"Stay safe," I say as I hug Johnny and Pony. They leave and it's just me and Dal.

"I better go," I say.

"Need me to walk you?"

"Nah I'll be safe," I slightly wave and leave.

Nevertheless I get home and Dick is still up. So he beats me, like usual.

Adelaide - A Dallas Winston fic (being edited)Where stories live. Discover now