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I wake up and realize that I'm still in bed with Dally.

"Good Morning," Dallas smirks.

"Uhm hi?" I question trying to get out of bed

"Not so fast baby," he wraps his arms around my waist not letting me go.

He snuggles me closer. I give up trying and decide to stay. That is until he thinks it's a good idea to grab my ass. I turn around and smack him, while he smirks. I get up and grab my clothes to take a shower. Once I do I get dressed brushed my teeth and all that stuff. I walk into the kitchen to see Dallas sitting in a chair.

"So, what's for breakfast?" he asks.

I roll my eyes and set cereal on the table.

" I ain't making anything,"

Dal laughs and gets himself cereal. I go in the living room to see Two-Bit still on the couch.

"Hey bud, breakfast is in the kitchen," I say lightly nudging him.

Two tries to hit my hand away still half asleep. I walk back into the kitchen and get myself cereal. TwoBit eventually gets up and gets breakfast. I give Dal and Two Ibeprophen. I walk to the Curtis's  house  to and Dally and TwoBit go get clothes from wherever they live.

"Hey Addie!" Pony says from the couch.

"Hello there Pony," I say lifting my invisible hat.

Pony laughs and asks how the party was.

"It was alright, I don't know," I shrug and sit next to him.

"So how's my favorite Johnny been?" I ask putting my arm around Johnny.

"Good, What about you?"

"Fantastic now that I'm with my two favorite people,"

"Wow Addie, I see know, I'm hurt," Two-Bit said walking in the door.

"Haha, how's the hangover,"

"Hurts like a bitch,"

I laugh a pull a file out of my pocket to file my nails. I smile and look at the remaining part of the gang that haven't gone to work. Just then the famous Dallas Winston walks in the door.

"Miss me?"

"Barely even noticed you weren't here," I say leaning back getting comfortable.

I let out an 'oof' as Dal hits me in the stomach. I immediately react and hit him back.

"Hey, I gotta head to work," I say patting Pony's knee, "Bye,"

I get into DX and hop over the counter.

"Hey apple juice," I say taking sodas hat.

"Really, applejuice? Not something badass?" Soda says taking his hat back.

I giggle and start working. I'm humming a tune I heard somewhere when the door bell rings. In walks none other than Dallas Winston.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"Really after we slept together I thought you'd like me more,"

Soda almost chokes on his drink, "You slept with each other?!"

I knew this bitch would say something about that. "No, he was drunk last night so I took him and TwoBit to my place and instead on sleeping in the living room like TwoBit he fell asleep in my bed and I wasn't gonna sleep on the floor,"

"Okay," Soda says in a sing songy voice, " I'll leave you two lovebirds to it," he says going outside.

I glare at him as he leaves.

"Okay but for real why are you here?"

"Can't I visit my girl?"

"Yea, but where is she?" I ask looking over my shoulder.

"Real funny, I thought you'd like me more after we kissed last night,"

"You remember?"

"How could I not,"

I roll my eyes and get back to work. Dallas still pestering me. He sees some blonde chick outside and leaves to go to her. There again is that jealous feeling.

A/N so I haven't updating in a long time sorry. I updated a few chapters so there a little switch up but nothing major.

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