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*2 months later*

I'm sitting on the Curtis's couch. Darry, Soda, and Steve have all gone off to work, so it's just me Pony Johnny Two-Bit and Dally.

"We should play poker," Pony says.

We all agree as Pony gets chips and cards.

"Strip poker," Two says.

I don't know why but I agree.

"Why not," I say.

They seemed surprised but no one objects. We all went swimming together in our underwear so it's no biggie.

"Ha!" Dally smirks, he won that round.

"Cmon," he nudges me.

So I take off my socks while all the guys take off their shirts.

"Wow, just wow," Two says.

"What you mad cause I outsmarted you?"

He shakes his head laughing.

Well my plan didn't reall work out cause I ending up in my underwear, Dally's eyes raking my body.

"Stoppppp," I whine pushing his bare chest.

"Awww babe," he says and tries to hug me.

"Stop flirting cmon!" Two says covering his eyes, smiling.

"Shut it Two-Bitch," I say throwing a card at him.

Everyone bursts out laughing, even Two-Bit. As if things couldn't get any worse Soda and Steve walk in the door.

"Uhh... what?" Soda looks between all of us.

"Strip poker," I say putting my clothes back on.

"Okay, then," Soda laughs.

"Hey Bucks having a party and it starts soon, wanna come," Dally asks.

"Sure, why not," I say.

Two-But already made his way to the door, ready to go.

"Okay bye guys," I say following Two and Dal put the door.

I light up my smoke. We talk and get to Bucks.

"Hey Buck," Dally said patting Buck on the back almost making him spit out his drink.

Buck punches Dal on the shoulder and laughs. TwoBit already made his way over to a couple of skimpy clothed broads.

"Hey Adds how ya doing?" Bucks asks me.

"Great thanks! What about you?"

"Oh ya know parties and stuff. Wanna play pool?" Buck asks me.

"Yea!" I say looking around.

I have no idea where Dal is, oh well. Buck and I make our way to an empty pool table and Buck sets it up. We play for a while tying in the end. Buck made his way to flirt with a broad. I saw Dal with his hand above a broads head and Two-Bit already making out with one.  For some reason I feel a tingle of jealousness but I ignore it. I don't really know what to do so I go outside. I pull a cancer stick out of my pocket and light it with my match.

I stand there with my foot on the wall, thinking. Dal is sweet to me sometimes, other times he'll just flirt with me or others. He always gets what he wants, and sometimes that scares me. I wonder about him sometimes. He's good looking, but then again so is Soda. Doesn't mean I'm gonna fall for him. I don't even know why I'm thinking about this, Dal doesn't like me. If anything I'm like his sister.

I walk back inside after my smoke and grab a beer.

"Hey baby," a voice said from behind me.

I see a guy who hasn't shaved in days, his breath stinking of alcohol. Definitely drunk. He starts flirting with me.

"Hey bud why you flirting with my broad," a familiar voice says.

Dally wraps his arm around my waist glaring at him.

"Hey pal I wasn't doing anything," the guy says running away.

"Your broad?" I question.

"Yea, you're mine," Dally says and kisses me.

One the lips. He's drunk.

"Um Dally, what're you doing?"

"Kissing my girl," he slurs.

"Yea right, you're too drunk to even stand," Dally has been putting all his weight on me to keep from falling over.

"Let's get Two and leave,"

I find Two-Bit talking to a girl who clearly wasn't interested so I grab him.

"Hey I was gonna get her number!" TwoBit slurs.

Great two drunks I have to babysit. I walk them to my house since my dad is gone on his 5 day gambling trip. Anytime he goes gambling he doesn't come back for 5 days. Today was the second.

I unlock my door and guide them in. Two passes out on my couch and I walk up to my room to find Dally already passed out on my mattress. Great.

There was no way in hell I was gonna sleep on the floor, so I climb in the covers. Dal wraps his arm around my waist and snuggles his head in my hair. It was surprisingly relaxing so I fell asleep in no time.

Adelaide - A Dallas Winston fic (being edited)Where stories live. Discover now