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I hear the door open then slam shut knowing that the guys and Carrie got home from school. I look over from the dishes and see a girl I haven't seen before.

Let me tell you, I don't like her. She has this snobbish look on her face and looks around the house like its a piece of trash.

"Addie, this is Ashlyn, I have a project to do with her, so I figured we could do it here," Carrie says.

"Hi, I'm Adelaide," I say holding out my hand. She looks at it then turns around. Rude.

"Let's get this over with greaser," she says greaser like its venom on her tongue.

I mouth bitch to Johnny and he laughs. I go back to the dishes ignoring her.

The door opens and Dal, Steve, and Soda walk in.

"Who's this little lady here?" Soda asks.

I notice her looking at Dal and wink at him, boy does that tick me off.

"Ashlyn, we're working on a project," Carrie says.

"Sodapop Curtis," Soda says holding out his hand.

She snorts, "Sodapop and PonyBoy? Wow your parents must hate you," she has the nerve to say.

I throw my dishrag down and walk towards her. "Listen here you little snob, just because some people aren't as better off as you are, doesn't mean you have to act like a bitch. So what if they have a better name than you don't act so stuck up. If you want to survive another day here you better watch it," I huff walking out.

I grab a cigarette and light, fist clenched.

"Wow, you sure told her," a deep New York accent says. God I love his voice.

"She's really gettin on my nerves," I say turning around.

Dallas has his collar popped up with a cancer stick in his mouth. I'm going crazy.

"Wanna go cool off?" He asks.

"How," I ask interested.

"Let's do what I always do," he says and I follow him.

We get to a store closed up with the lights off. I know just what he's thinking.

"We have to be fast," he says picking up a pice of wood.

"I got this," I say putting my hand out.

I kneel down and pull a bobby pin from my hair. With effort I manage to get the lock unlocked.

"Wow, looks like you have done this before," Dallas says.

"There's a lot you don't know about me Dal," I smirk.

"I love it when you call me Dal," He smirks back. I feel heat rush to my cheeks but turn around so he can't see.

We go inside the door and are both quick to swipe what we want. I grab a few packets of cancer sticks, gum and matches, and a ring with spikes on it.

We put it all in our pockets and rush out. Dallas dashes but I lock the building again.

"What took you so long," Dal asks as I catch up.

"I locked up the building like no one was there,"

"Smart. You must've done this before," he laughs.

I pull out the ring and put it on my finger.

"What's that?" Dal asks.

"A ring, it has spikes on it so I mark whoever I punch," I smile twisting my ring.

We get to the Curtis house and that bitch is still there. I toss a packet of cancer sticks to TwoBit, Johnny, and Pony.

"Ah thanks Addie, how much did it cost ya?" Pony asks.

"Nothing," I smirk nodding to Dallas.

"You stole?" Ashlyn questioned in disbelief.

"Yea, what's it to ya," I ask.

I hear her mutter greaser scum under her breath and am about to launch myself at her when I feel a hand on my arm. I look up at Dallas.

"Sit with me," he says plopping down on the couch. I sit next to Dal and he pulls me close.

That soc shit is flirting with Dallas the whole night while I'm glaring at her. Dal was just smirking at me the whole night. I about smacked the smirk off his face.

Adelaide - A Dallas Winston fic (being edited)Where stories live. Discover now