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I'm walking in front of Two-Bit, Pony, Johnny and the two Soc broads they picked up, and boy do they bother me.

The redhead and Pony are talking about some bullshit. I hear a rumble of an engine and look behind me to see a mustang pull up next to us. Oh shit.

I quickly pull my switchblade out of my pocket and get ready to fight.

"What are these hoods doing with our girls!" the Socs yell.

Two-Bit smashes a bottle and hand it to Pony then pulls out his switchblade.

I see Johnny look at the guy then his rings then back at him. I can tell Johnny is really nervous maybe even scared. I back it up to Johnny and ask him, "Is that the guy," and he gulps and slightly nods.

I get pissed. Without thinking I charge at ring guy. I start punching him in the face and he punches me back. Two guys from the back of the car get out.

"Stop! We'll come with you Bob, please," Cherry yells.

She pulls Pony aside says something then leaves in the mustang. We begin walking back to the Curtis's.

"What the fuck was that Addie?" Two asks.

I glance at Johnny and he shakes his head so I say, "His face pissed me off,"

"Damn, remind me not to get on your bad side," Two laughs.

Pony looks a little down.

"What's wrong bud?" I ask nudging Pony.

"Cherry says we can't see each other anymore and we have to pretend we don't know each other," he says looking down.

"Yea? Well fuck her she's just worried about her stupid little soc rep. If she were your real friend she wouldn't care about that and be here right now," I speak the truth don't deny it.

We get to the Curtis's and I plop down next to Two-Bit to watch Mickey Mouse.  

A little bit later Dally walks through the door.

"Hey Dal, where've you been?" I ask looking up from the tv.

"Just had to cool off," He said not looking like his normal self.

I go over and hug him and he wraps his arm snug around my waist. He smells like cigarettes. I really have no reason to hug him, I just wanted too. He almost makes me feel safe. After the hug I don't leave I just stand next to him with his arm around my waist.

"There's a party at Buck's you wanna go tomorrow?" He whispers in my ear.

"Sure why not," I shrug.

I look at the time, "I gotta go," I announce.

"Aw babe don't leave me," Dally says turning back into his usual self.

"Ha I gotta go," I say giving him a swift kiss on the cheek, earning whoops from the others.

I leave and head back to hell hopefully on time.


nope not on time.

"I went to go see a movie,"

"You better not of used any of my money bitch!" he yells.

"no I broke in,"

He walked up to be and slapped me for no reason, luckily I ran to my room before anything else could happen. I locked my door and went to bed.

Adelaide - A Dallas Winston fic (being edited)Where stories live. Discover now