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I awake with a warm presence nest to me breathing down my neck. Not knowing what it is I spaz and fall out of bed with a thwump. Looking around I'm in my room. I bring my hand up to my head.

"Good morning," a raspy voice says.

My heart skips a beat. I look up and see Dal on my bed. Tears sting my eyes as memories of him leaving me come back.

"W-why, what," I say confused, no memory of last night.

Tears come back once more, "please tell me we didn't..." I trail off. 

"I wish," Dal smirks.

Great he's still an asshole.

"Then why are you in my bed?" I ask getting angry.

"Do you not remember last night," he inquires.

I shake my head feeling regret and guilt rush through me.

"You wearing standing in the middle of the road over a fire and almost got hit," he explains.

I nod remembering bits and pieces of  last night.

"I carried you back here and you askedn me to stay with you," he says.

"Oh," I mumble looking down.

I get up and walk into my kitchen. Looking around I feel my cheeks heat up looking at the mess I made. I grab two beers from my fridge and hand one to Dal. He takes it looking intently at my face while I stared at the ground.

I turn around and start picking up the things I threw around.

"Fuck," I mumble as I cut myself on a piece of glass I was picking up.

"Doll," Dal says grabbing my hand to look at the cut.

He takes me to my bathroom and looking around in my medicine cabinet for something to help my hand.

I sit there watching him. The way his hair falls above his eyes is wisps. How his arm muscles budge ever so slightly.

He finally finds something and comes over. I look at him through my messy waves.

"Look Addie," he says setting my hand down and looking into my eyes.

I move the hair out of my face and look him in the eyes.

"I-I don't know where to start. I'm so stupid to have ever let you go. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. The only good thing to come into my life and actually make me happy. Everyday I drank myself almost to death just to forget about how much I hurt you. How much I hurt from leaving you. I-I'm sorry for being harsh that one day when I saw you at the diner with the boys. I was higher than a kite and a bit drunk  too. I know that's no excuse and I want to make it up to you. I need to make it up to you.

"I'm terrible, I was just scared of being a father I wasn't ready. I couldn't be a good enough father. I just end up like my old man and you and our kid didn't need that. I thought by making you hate me you'd see how bad of a guy I was and move on. Not be sad like that. I expected you to find someone else. Someone better than me and someone who actually make you happy,"

He takes a breath.

"I love you," he says tears threatening to fall as he blinks them back.

I've never seen Dal cry. He's always been the tough guy

"Dallas," I cry hugging him, breathing in his scent.

"I'm so sorry Addie," he says in between breathes.

"I love you Dallas," I say dropping a few tears on his shoulder

A/n this was short :/ sorryyyyyyy. Any ideas?

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