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I awake to the sound of glass shattering. What a nice way to be awaken, I'd prefer bird chirping though. Richard was probably just pissed at the world again. Poor man, I truly do pity him. No life, drowning his sorrows in alcohol, only finds purpose in the torture of his supposed child.

I huff and go into the bathroom to take a shower. Brush my teeth then blow dry my hair. I put on a green shirt with black high waisted jeans. Laced up my boots and applied some chapstick. I grabbed my leather jacket and headed to the park.

"There she is!" I hear a familiar voice yell as I'm walking past the park.
I turn to look at the voice and see TwoBit.

"Adelaide come here," he yells
I sigh and walk over.


"Adelaide tell them how you beat the shit out of a greaser they don't believe me!" TwoBit yells.

"Dallas is the one who knocked him out," I say.

"Oh cmon stop being humble you totally beat him up!"

"Hey Doll," I turn around to see Dallas.

"Hi," I say again.

"Dallas didn't Addie beat up that Soc?!" TwoBit yelled again.

"Yep the broad here ain't just good at looking pretty," Dallas said said.

I just roll my eyes and put a cancer stick up to my mouth. I reach in my pocket to grab a match but before I get it out of my pocket Dallys already lit it.

"Thanks," I said.

"No problem doll face," I glare at him

"Anyway," TwoBit said breaking up our stare down, "This here is Ponyboy And Johnny," he said pointing to the boys he was talking too.

"Wanna all head back to the Curtis's place? You can meet the others Addie," TwoBit said.

"Others? There are more of you?"

"Yep the whole gang babe," Dallas said.

"Well if there anything like you," I said following TwoBit.

"Aw you don't mean that babe," Dallas said putting an arm around me, so I duck under his arm.

I'm not that much shorter than him. basically the same height. Once we arrive at Ponyboys place Dallas holds the door for me.

"M'lady," he said as I roll my eyes and walk in.

"Who's this?" A super buff guy said wiping his hands on a rag gesturing to me.

"My girl," Dallas said putting an arm around my waist.

"You wish Dallas," Pony said from the couch.

"I'm Adelaide Levi," I say slightly waving at the buff guy.

"Darrell Curtis," he said.

"I HAVE ARRIVED," I hear someone yell and I turn to see two guys enter the house, one of them extremely hot.

Not gonna lie.

"Who's this broad?" The loud guy said looking me up and down especially my chest area.

I look down a see a bit of cleavage and fix my shirt.

"Adelaide," I say.

"SodaPop Curtis," the good looking boy said coming up to shake my hand.

"That doof there's Steve,"

"Hi," I look over and see Dally clenching his fists and I smirk.

We go on chatting about a bunch of stuff. I learn a bit from everyone. I turn to look at the clock to see the time. I talk with everyone and they explain the whole territorial thing with the socs. They tell me about jumping and the one really bad time Johnny was jumped. Boy does that make my blood boil, that kid is so sweet. Johnny said something about rings in the soc. I promise myself if I see that soc I will give him a personal beating.

"Shit!" I said a little to loud.

"What's wrong?" Johnny asks.

"I have to go," I grab my leather jacket and rush out the door.

"Addie!!" Someone yells.

Halfway to across the lawn I see Dally with my matchbox. He tosses it to me.

"Thanks Dal," I yell running home.


"Sorry," I mumble trying to run up the stairs.

"Not so fast bitch," he said grabbing my wrist with a death grip.

He pushes me to the ground and I try to get up. I look up to see him throwing a plate and I'm just in time to put my hands up. The plate shatters and cuts my hands.

Adelaide - A Dallas Winston fic (being edited)Where stories live. Discover now