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*week later*

Life's been shit. I've gotten morning sickness almost everyday and I'm working at this grubby diner to try and supply money for me and my baby. I've been avoiding the gang all I can cause questions are not what I need right now. I cut my long wavy hair short though.

I grab my keys and hop out my house in my uniform, it's this red poofy dress with a black apron fishnet stockings and whatever shoes. I wear either my boots or chucks. Today my boots.

After serving my 5th table I look to my new table and see a bunch of people I don't wanna see.

"Please Gerry, just let me skip this table I'll do dishes and mop please," I plead

Gerry is the co-manager and let me tell you first hand, he's an asshole. Tim my actual boss is a really nice guys most people get along with.

"No. Do your tables and stop complaining, your lucky to have this job," Gerry is a guy who sure hates his life.

I huff and brush out my skirt and fix my hair, I bite my lip and walk over to the table.

Keeping my head down hoping they don't recognize me, they surely will though.

"Hello welcome to Swifty's can I take your order?" I ask trying not to sound like myself.

There sits Two-Bit, Steve, Soda, and unfortunately Dallas Winston.

"I'll take a double cheeseburger with a side of your finest chocolate cake," I hear Two-Bit order.

I almost laugh but hold it in it puts a smile on my face though.

Steve and Soda order and I write it down without looking at them. Last is the one I'm dreading the most.

"I'll have you," he almost growls.


"Dal your freaking the poor waitress out," Soda says.

Dal. My old nickname for him.

"She is fine though," Steve pipes in.

"And right here," I grit angry that Dallas has the nerve to flirt. He doesn't even know it's me.

"How bought we see that gorgeous face of yours, I bet it will match up to the rest of you body," Dallas try's to continue flirting.

And does something I despise him for. He grabs the notepad away from my face and tilts my head up.

Everyone gasps except Dallas when they see me. Dallas's face is expressionless almost surprised.

Two-Bit looks the same, as does Steve. Soda doesn't look as smiley and Dallas has red-rimmed eyes with dark circles.

"You cut your hair," Two-Bit points out.

I feel uncomfortable with their stares especially Dallas's.

"Where have you been?" Steve asks, "We haven't seen you in forever,"

"H-here," I stutter.

"Are you okay?" Soda asks.


"You should come round the Curtis's," Two-Bit says.

"Did something happen?" Steve asks.

"We broke up," Dallas deadpanned.

My heart hurt a bit. My throats felt tight. My eyes burned. I had to leave.

I grab my notepad from Dal's hand and rush out.

I can hear Gerry yelling at me as I rush out of the diner.

A/n HEY MR DJ. WASSSSUPPP DJ FORHEADDDD. ok well hi stuffs happened. Bye

Adelaide - A Dallas Winston fic (being edited)Where stories live. Discover now