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Waking up next to a shirtless Dallas Winston was the best thing ever. Especially when he has his arm protectively around you. We were spooning and I was the little spoon, Dal would probably throw a fit if he wasnt the big spoon.

"Morning," Dal's raspy morning voice said.

"Morning big boy," I say patting his arm trying to get out from his grip.

"Cuddle," he groans, not letting go of me.

I give up struggling and cuddle into Dallas. He places kisses all over my face. After a few minutes of cuddling I maneuver ny way out of his grip.

"Where are you going?" his voice was the best thing ever. His normal deep New Yorkern accent, now raspy and sexy as ever.

"Shower," I say grabbing my clothes.

I hop in the shower in the bathroom connected to Dal's room (A/N he proably didn't have one of those but lets pretend he did)

I hop in the shower and do my thing. While I'm washing the shampoo out of my hair I hear the door open.

"Hi baby," Dal says.

"Dallas! What the hell are you doing in here?!"

"I gotta pee darlin',"

I roll my eyes and go back to my hair.

"I want a kiss," Dal whines.

I roll my eyes again, and stick my head out of the shower to see Dallas right there, I peck him on the lips and shoo him out.

"Now get out Asshole," I giggle.

I finish my shower and get dressed, drying my hair with the blow dryer I took from my house.

I hop out of the bathroom while putting my rings back on, Twisting my skull ring around. I notice Dal staring at it.

"What's that?" He asks.

"A ring,"

"I know that but where'd you get it,: He asks pulling me close to him.

"My old best friend,"


"Yea, I haven't heard from him since I moved in with my grandparents," I say.

"Him?" He frowns

"Dallas Winston, are you jealous after only one day of dating?" I tease him.

"Psh no," he frowns.

"Baby, he's seven years older than me and I haven't seen him since I was like 9 or something," I say poking his stomach.

"You're mine," he says in a gruff voice. Pulling me into a kiss.

"As you are mine," I say smiling into the kiss.

We decide to go to Dingo and that broad Strawberry or whatever the fuck her fruity name is is behind our booth.

She walks over to out table and smiles, I grip Dal's hand under the table.

"Hey Dallas, Addie," her smile slightly falters when she says my name.


"Ya know I've been real lonely now that Bob is gone," She looks at Dal.

"Care to go somewhere with me," she whispers in his ear like I can't hear her.

"Hi," I wave, " I'm right here,"

"Sorry, I wasn't talking to you," She says.

"Well you sure were talking to my boyfriend," I say. Dal smirks.

"Boyfriend? You'd rather have this little boy than a real woman as a girlfriend?" She asks in disgust.

"Real woman?" I ask looking around Dingo, "Where?"

"Real funny, Addie," she sneers and walks away.

"Adelaide Levi, are you jealous after one day of dating," Dal teases me just like I did to him.

"Aw shut it Winston," I playfully shove him and eat a fry.

We eat our food and share a milkshake. We were flirting and shoving each other the whole time. We were laughing the whole time to the Curtis's.

We walk into the Curtis's house and everyone is there laughing and hanging out. Life is good.


I don't know man

okay then.

have a nice life my friends

Adelaide - A Dallas Winston fic (being edited)Where stories live. Discover now