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The next day i'm sitting on the Curtis's house trying to file down my chipped ass nails. TwoBit keeps mocking me like a douchbag.

He makes gestures like he's filing his nails then squeals every so often.

"Where's your girlfriend?" I ask the hobo.

"Out with her mom today, shopping and shit," he replies taking a big bite of cake.

Just then some hot badass walks in the door.

"Hey, Dally," TwoBit says watching TV.

Dal does this weird as nod thing and sits next to me. I kiss him on the lips and cuddle into his side. He wraps his arm around me and looks at me.

"How was Tim?" i ask him.

"He tried to start a fight with me, he was real drunk he passed out right after throwing a weak punch," Dallas explains.

I laugh thinking about a drunken Tim Curly trying to fight someone.

All the sudden his grabs my ass making me squeal. I didn't know he was gonna do that so a freaking squeal escaped my mouth.

"Ha! You do squeal!" TwoBit yells turning around to look at us.

"Fuck off TwoBitch," I say throwing a pillow at him.

He laughs and dodges it. He throws the pillow back at me so I just grab it and start beating him with it. TwoBit manages to grab the pillow and start beating me.

"The fuck, Dal do something!" I yell.

Instead of helping me like a good boyfriend he starts tickling me. I can't help it and starts screaming but immediately stop when i hear a familiar yell.

I push the guys off me. I don't know how but I hear the yell of my Pony. I rush outside shoeless and see Pony a few blocks up getting jumped. Fuck no.

I run faster than i've ever ran before. I don't even try to talk with the bastards and start throwing them off Pony. One of the three Socs grabs the back of my hair and I turn around and sucker punch him. The other soc has his knife out. I search my pockets and can't find my blade.

I rip the switchblade off my necklace. I've never used it before, but i guess I am now. I hear footsteps running behind catching up assuming it's TwoBit and Dally.

I slice the socs arm down. He jabs at my thigh and that hurts like a bitch. I hear skin on skin behind me. I hit the soc with the blunt end of my knife and he stumbles back looking severely dazed and dizzy. His two buddy's stop fighting, basically throw him in their car and drive away so fast.

I suddenly get so worried when I hear a weak cough and see Pony on the ground. He has a bad cut on his shoulder. Blood everywhere.

"Help me carry him home," I say hurriedly to the boys.

We all grab Pony carefully and start rushing back. We get in and set him on his bed so I have more working room. I didn't even notice when we were rushing inside but he was unconscious.

I mutter shit over and over rushing into the bathroom grabbing every medical thing I could. The boys help me take off his shirt and pants. He has a gash down his leg and bruises everywhere.

Dal gets so pissed he has so go outside to punch some walls or something. I use peroxide and salve to try and fix up his cuts. The one on his shoulder is deep and obviously needs stitches.

Like he read my mind Dallas comes in the room with a needle and thread. I ice around his shoulder and start stitching. Once it's all stitched I wrap it up and fix up his leg.

The poor kid had bruises all over his sides, like the bastards kicked him repeatedly.

I hear the door slam, someone's here.

"In Pony and Soda's room," I yell.

Loud footsteps rush into the room and stop cold when they see Pony.

Soda tears up and rushes to Pony's side Steve just looks confused.

"Look at his wrist," Steve points out.

"Shit," Its all messed up, for sure broken.

"We need to get him to a hospital," I say.

TwoBit goes to get his truck started. Steve and Soda carry Pony and Soda gets in back supporting Pony's head so I hop in shotgun.

Without another word from anyone we rush to the hospital. Pony wasn't coming back into consciousness. That wasn't good.

TwoBit and Soda grab Pony and we rush into the hospital.

"We need a doctor," TwoBit yells.

Nurses rush over and put my unconscious best friend on a stretcher and wheel him away.


aw i'm sorry. fudgesticks.

hope Pony's ok😭

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