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I got my monayyyyy.

So basically everything worked out perfectly and I got the money. Stuff has still been bumpy with Dal and I keep getting sick. I haven't been going to the Curtis's because of that.

I'm currently in bed. Luckily Dal is gone cause I feel like shit and don't wanna deal with him right now.

As my luck couldn't get any better I hear a knock at the bedroom door.

"Come in," I slightly yell.

The door open and my ole pals Horseman and Johnny walk in.

"Aye wassup," I say as they enter.

"Johnnycake and I were wondering where you've been lately, We keep asking Dallas but he usually just shrugs it off, we were gettin worried," Ponyboy explains.

"Aw don't worry about me all the worrying will give ya grays," I say ruffling my bleached haired friend's hair.

"Why haven't you been coming around anymore?" Johnny asks.

"I haven't been feeling the greatest and Dal and I have been getting into fights, You guys don't need to see that,"

"Aw Addie we don't care we just wanna see ya," Johnny says.

I walk over and hug the both of them.

Oh shit.

I run away from them into the bathroom and throw up in the toilet, just when i thought i was getting better.   

"Uh Addie, not that I know a lot about this but, are you..." PonyBoy's sentence trails off.

I know what he means and it's not good.

"I c-can't be," no.

"When was your last," Johnny implies.

"I-I," I scan my memories, "Two months ago," I sigh.

"Addie do you think," Pony says.

"I hope to God not, aw shit this isn't good oh no oh no oh no no," I started walking around pulling at my hair.

"Addie, you need to go to the doctor," Johnny says.

"No no no no no,"

Pony and Johnny look at me.  I sigh.

"Fine, none of you tell Dallas or I will rip you both limb from limb,"

They nod and leave.

Next Day

oh no. I think over and over sitting on the cold doctor's table while waiting for the doctor to walk in.

Dr.Dellen his nameplate says.

"Well Miss Levi,"

I close my eyes tight.


Don't say it don't say it.



A/N hey guys. i'm terribly sorry. i haven't been up to writing a lots been going on and i haven't had the motivation. i'll try i know i keep saying that but i will. see yea.

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