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Darry ending up carrying me back to the Curtis's and making me a sandwich. I refused at first but in the end ate it. No one really talked much.  We all sat in silence until Two-Bit got uncomfortable and turned on Mickey Mouse. I excused myself to go the bathroom.

I heard whispering voices, not much I could make out but I knew they were talking about me. When I walked out of the bathroom I heard them asking where others thought Dally went. Most thought to fight.

"Hey guys," I say as I enter the room acting like I didn't hear anything.

Most of them moved back to their seats and said hi back.

"Hey Steve we gotta head to DX," Soda said.

"What about me?" I ask.

"Addie, you have to stay here, eat up babe," Soda hugged me then left.

I pout and sit on the couch. Pony sits next to me and hugs me, so I hug back. We stay like this for a while. A few hours later the phone rings.

"Aw Dally," Darry says.

My head shoots up, Dally. Where is he?

Darry hangs up and as if reading my mind He says, "We have to bail Dally out of jail,"

"What?!" I ask.

No one replies as we all walk to the local police department. I walk in and see Dally behind the bars.

"Hey Bad Boy," I say looking at Dallas.

"Hey babe," he said smiling.

I just laugh and shake my head. We walk over to the desk where a frowning officer is, boy does he look pissed.

"What's he in for?" Darry asks gesturing to Dally.

"He beat Gerald Timmers to a pulp," Officer, I look at his name tag, Timmers said.

Timmers, Gerald, Officer. His father?

"Who?" I ask.

"Addie," Dally begins.

"Shut it!" the officer snaps.

"Curly hair, Addie, big rough callused hands," Dally says.

I take a sharp intake of breath. Curly hair. Callused hands. The guy. Him. He. Dallas beat up the guy.

"Dally, w-was it him?" I ask suddenly scared.

He just nods with a sad look on his face. No. It can't be.

"Bails too much money," the officer said.

"Your son," I say suddenly angry.

"Is in a hospital right now in critical condition," He says.


"What!?" The officer slams his fists on the table eye filled with fury.

"Where was he 3 nights ago?" I Interrogate him.

"What?" he asked confused and angry.


"I don't have to answer to you, I'm the cop,"

"And your son is a rapist,"

The boys are all surprised behind me.


I lift up my sleeves and my shirt and show him my cuts and bruises his son left.

"He," I spit the word like its fire on my tongue, "left me naked in a shed,"

The officer looks surprised.

"He and four of his buddy's attacked me, he raped me. He deserves to be dead, you're lucky Dallas didn't kill him,"

"You have no proof,"

"Ask Dane Withhold, he'll surely crack under pressure," Dally interjected.

Long story short, they brought Dame in, he did just as Dallas predicted. Basically we went to court luckily they found him guilty. He and his buddies are in jail now.

Adelaide - A Dallas Winston fic (being edited)Where stories live. Discover now