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I'm getting my cast of today, thank God. It was a burden, not being able to run around and be rowdy. Tomorrow Pony, Johnny, TwoBit, and Carrie are going to school. Today's Sunday. They started school a few weeks ago.

Darry's taking me and TwoBit managed to hop in the car. We got out of the car and TwoBit stole my crutches.

"Hey! TwoBitch gimme my crutches back! I can't walk you dipstick!" I yell.

Darry chuckles at my name for TwoBit and picks me up bridal style.

"Thanks, big brother," I smile.

"No problem, little missy," he replies.

He carries me inside into the waiting room where TwoBit is harassing a nurse.

"Aye TwoBit let her be,"

"Aw Addie I was gonna get her number," he whines.

"Sure bud, gimme my crutches back," he reluctantly hands me my crutches back.

The doctor calls my name and Darry and TwoBit follow. I sit down on the bed and the doctor asks me all these things. He finally takes off my cast and tells me to lay off it a little. I nod and we all leave.

We get home and I rush inside, pushing TwoBit out of my way.

"Guess who doesn't have a big ass rock on they're foot anymore!" I yell once I get inside.

"Aw Addie that's great," Soda says from the table. He's arm wrestling with Steve again.

"Where is everyone?" I ask.

"Ah they all went to a movie or something,"

I nod and plop down in the couch for my long awaited nap.

A/N sorry this is reeeealllyy short but I'm gonna put up two chapters today so, I apologize.

this was just a filler chapter, it may or may not get juicy next chapter.

Adelaide - A Dallas Winston fic (being edited)Where stories live. Discover now