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I wake up to a cold feeling.  Opening my eyes I see pillows and blankets but no Dal. Groaning I throw the warm blankets off my and grab my clothes.

I hear the shower running and go into the bathroom. Not even caring I strip down and hop in the shower with Dal.

"Good Morning beautiful," he says as I enter the shower.

"Morning," I say.

We wash our selves and dry off. Changing into my clothes I brush my teeth and walk into the room to see a shirtless Dallas.  His back muscles show as he puts his shirt on.

"Aww, I was enjoying the view," I pout.

"Don't worry doll, more where that came from," he says pecking my lips, "Lets go see PonyBoy,"

When he says those 4 words i'm already out the door. Dal catches up to me and we walk to the hospital.

We walk into Pony's room. To my surprise I see an awake Pony eating Pudding.

"Pony!" I yell excitedly running over to him.

Pony has the most confused face I've ever seen and boy am I not ready for what he is about to say.

"Who are you?" he asks me.

My eyes go wide and I can feel all the blood drain from my face.

"P-Pony," I stutter.

"I'm really sorry but I can't remember," he says.

I start backing up tripping over chairs and objects. My vision is blurry and I feel disoriented. My best friend. Doesn't remember me.

Dal POV.

I watch Addie's face light up as she sees Pony awake. She rushes over to him.

"Pony!!" She yells.

The poor kid looks so confused. He tilts his head like a dog trying to figure something out.

He says three words that I know hurt Addie.

"Who are you?" he asks.

"P-Pony," she almost whispers. My heart breaks when I see her face.

"I'm really sorry, but I can't remember," Pone looks so lost, looking at me for help.

Addie starts backing away tripping over everything behind her. For a split second she looks to me and hurt is written all over her face.

I reach out for her but she is already gone. Rushing out the door almost running into an old pair, I follow Addie.

Addie's POV

He doesn't remember me at all. I can't. I had to rush out of the hospital. I don't know where I am and I can't see anything.

Hearing car horns, I turn to look and see bright lights blinding me. Before I can react large muscly arm wrap around me and pull me out of the way.

"What were you thinking?!" my boyfriend yells at me.

I look down. I wasn't. I couldn't think. Pony.

"Baby," Dal's voice breaks, "I don't know what I would do without you. Please, never do that again,"

I look at Dal and nod. Wrapping my arms around him I hug him tight.

-Two Days Later-

Pony has been getting better with his temporary amnesia, but still can't quite remember me. I'll live with it I guess, at least he's okay.

He doesn't remember Carrie either which hurt her pretty bad since they're dating and all.

A/N ONDMFMGMGNF S OMGH I SORRY IM SO SORRY i haven't really been in the updating mood and we have a week of testing at school so it kinda sucks but

sorry for the short chapter i wanted to get it out there

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