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a/n that's her "secret" switchblade

I wake up and sneak out, like usual and walk to the Curtis's house, noticing everyone's there except for Dally.

"Where's Dally?" I ask no one in particular.

"Probably with Sylvia," Steve said.

"Who?" I ask, hoping it's his sister.

"His off and on girlfriend,"

For some reason I felt I pain in my heart put ignored it.

"Gimme some of that cake," I say laughing while sitting down next to Two.

"Fine," he huffs, I roll my eyes and dig in.

After a while of Mickey Mouse, wrestling, and chocolate cake Darry finally speaks up.

"So Addie we don't know much about you, tell us about yourself,"

"There's really not much to know, I'm 17, my names Adelaide Rose Levi. I don't know," I say trying to think of stuff.

"Rose, keep talking we want to know everything about you," Steve says.

Man I ain't telling you everything.

"Call me rose one more time, I dare you. What do you guys wanna know?" I ask glaring at Steve.

"Your cup size," Steve says smirking.

"When I get my hands on you," I mumble standing up ready to beat the snarky remarks right out of him.

Darry holds me back sadly.

"Whyyyyyyyy," I whine, "lemme beat the shit out of him please," I give Darry puppy dog eyes.

"Sorry Hun," he says not letting go.

"Fine," I pout and sit next to two again.

"Have you had any boyfriends I need to beat the shit out of?" Soda asks, aw.

"Well um, I had a boyfriend but uh, we, uh he broke up with me, f-for another girl," the day I was going to say I loved him.

"Then uh not really a boyfriend but yea nevermind," I say trying to change the topic.

"So fuck buddies?!" Steve yelled right as Dally walked through the door, his hair somewhat messier than usual.

"What?!?" Dally asked confused.

"We're talking about Addie's boyfriends," Big mouth said.

I must be seeing things cause it looked like Dally was mad for a second.

"Exes," I cough.

"What do you do for fun?" Pony asks.

"I don't know, whatever I can to occupy myself, I used to read all the time, my grandparents had like a library in their house," I answer.

"Your grandparents?" Johnny asks.

"Yea, I used to live with them,"

"What happened," Steve asked earning a slap from Soda.

"They uh died," I say fiddling with the switchblade key necklace my Grandpa made for me, I put it back under my shirt where I usually keep it.

Two Bit pulled me in for a hug.

"Dally where've you been?" Pony said trying to change the uncomfortable topic.

Bless that child.

"Doing things," he answered.

"More like doing Sylvia," Big mouth said.

I pushed back the twinge of pain my heart felt when Dally just smirked. Damn Adelaide you just met the child.

"Steve we gotta go," Soda said putting his DX cap on.

"Can I come with?" I asked.

"Come to work with us?" Soda asked confused.

"Yea I need some money, DX hiring?"

"Probably, you good with cars?" Soda asks.

"I may have a few tricks up my sleeve," I smirk.

"Damn a hot broad who can work with cars," the one and only Steve said.

"Shut up Big Mouth," I say earning a laugh from everyone except for big mouth himself.

"Well cmon Addie we might be late it we don't hurry," Soda said already out the door.

"Okay cmon Big Mouth," I say following Soda.

A/N hehehehehehhe hope you like it.

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