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I wake up confused. I feel arms around me and shoot up. Groaning in pain I look down to see a shirtless, smirking, Dallas Winston.

"I just can't get away from you," I joke.

"Babe, you know you love me,"

"Eh, I'm not so sure about that," I throw the covers off me and try to get up, being restrained by Dal.

"Where do you think you're going dollface?" Dal asks me.

"To see Pony and Johnny,"

"Why don't I bring them in here," Dal says standing up.

"Maybe find some pants while your at it,"

Dal walks out and comes back in with Johnny, Pony, and a pair of pants. Johnny and Pony rush over to me. I let out an oof and they apologize.

"Addie, oh my god are you okay? Thank You Thank you thankyou, so much!" Johnny exclaims.

"Johnnycake I'm okay, just a few bones and a broken leg,"

"You saved my life Addie, I love you,"

"Aw Johnny I love you too, I love all you guys," I say hugging Johnny and Ponyboy, tightly.

"Aw, you do love me," Dally says in a high pitched voice holing a hand to his heart.

"Shut it doofus,"

We all reunite and talk for hours, the rest of the gang shows and and we hang out too.

After a few days of being cooped up in the hospital, I'm finally being released. Darry drives to the hospital to pick me up. We drive back to the Curtis's.

"Addie's back!" TwoBit yells as I walk in the house.

"The one and only," I laugh and sit down on the couch.

TwoBit immediatly grabs my crutches and starts walking around on them trying to be funny.. I feel an arm around me and look to see Dal sitting next to me.

"How you feeling?" he asks me.

"A lot better now that I'm not in that stuffy hospital room,"

I hear kissy noises and look to see Soda and Steve pointing at us while blowing air kisses, taunting us.

"You better be glad TwoBit took away my crutches, or they'd me up your ass righ tnow!" I say pointing at Steve and Soda.

They put their hands up in surrender and go to get cake. I'm so glad everyone in the gang is okay, I don't know what I would do without them.

The gang hangs out for a while and then some people start to leave, I grab my crutches to leave before Dal grabs my waist.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Home?" I ask confused.

Dal gives me a look, "You're not going back there, Itold you this,"

"Then were am I supposed to go?"

"You're sleeping in my and pony's room," Soda says walking into the living room.

"Where are you guys gonna stay?"

"Here," Soda says motioning to the living room.

"No, no, If I'm staying here I ain't gonna take your guys's room, I'll sleep on the couch,"

"Addie you have a cast on," Da; saying pointing to my cast.

"You stay outta this," I say lightly whapping his chest, out of the corner of my eye I see him smirk.

"Addie," Soda warns.

"Soda," I warn. We go back and forth for a bit.

"I can go all night Soda," tired, Soda let out a sigh and gave me blankets and pillows.

With help from Dal I set up the couch and layed down.

"Thanks Dal,"

"No problem babe," He kisses me on the forehead and leaves.

A/N GUYS IM CRYING I JUST REALIZED THEIR SHIP NAME IS DADDIE or Dadelaide if u wanna be like that. I like #daddie more 😂 I'm dead

Adelaide - A Dallas Winston fic (being edited)Where stories live. Discover now