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"Oh my god, I thought you were dead!" I yell hugging Chet.

"Well I'm not," he laughs.

"I haven't seen you in forever! It really sucked that I had to move away. Do you live in Tulsa now?" I ask.

"Nah, I wish, I'm visiting my aunt who lives here," He says.

We talk for what seems like hours and we catch up. It's been years and so much has changed. I tell him about everything that happened to me since I got back in Tulsa. I tell him about Dal and how I may love him, I don't know We've been dating for a few months. He tells me everything that happened in his life since I left. He has a kid but the mother of the child took the kid and left. We talk and talk.

"I better get going Chet, I'll see you," I say giving him another hug before leaving.

I start walking to the Curtis's feeling a little bad for leaving Dal like that. I walk past Dingo and don't believe my eyes. I look in the window and see my man with that fruit named bitch. Hell no.

I don't wanna make a scene but I walk into Dingo and go straight to their table. Cherry glares at me but I can tell Dal is a little surprised. I don't do anything except kiss Dal on the lips. I wanna make sure she knows who's Dal's girlfriend.

I don't do anything after that and leave. I walk all the way to the Curtis's and am about to step in when I'm being pulled back.

"Addie," Dal says with pleading eyes.

"Dallas," I reply.

"I'm sorry,"

"For what?"

"Aren't you mad at me?" Dal asks.

"No, I just need to mark what's mine," I state simply.

"You're jealous," Dal smirks.

"No not jealous just territorial," I turn around to go in the house when I'm turned around.

Dal kisses me on the lips passionately.

"Get some!" Soda yells from inside the house. I look to the window and everyone in the gang are staring at us from the window, even Darry.

I flip off everyone and turn back giving Dally one last kiss on the lips before going inside.

I plop down on TwoBit and crush him the gang starts laughing and TwoBit pushes me off. Carrie helps me to my feet and I sit next to her.

"I'm gonna go shopping guys," I peck Dal on the lips and head to the store.

I walk down the street Switchblade in hand. I go inside the store and buy the food I need. I check out and start walking back to the Curtis's. I feel a hand cover my mouth and a sharp pain in my shoulder. I flail but then everything goes black.

I wake up in an unfamiliar room I look around and it suddenly becomes familiar. I'm in my old basement. I've been kidnapped by my father. I look down and I'm tied up, not with some dainty tape. With ropes.

I try to wriggle my hands free, but the ropes are so tight around my wrists I felt myself getting rope burns. I hear footsteps down the stairs and lift my head to see Dick.

"Thought you could get away from me huh, bitch," Dick says.

"What do you want from me?" I ask.

"You to suffer,"

"I never did anything to you!" I yell and he slaps me across the face.

"You lying whore," he roars, "You aren't even my child!" He yells.

"What?" I ask meekly.

"You're whore of a mother cheated on me with some soldier," I sneers.

"H-how, what?," I whisper, "How do you know that?"

"I'm not stupid! I never touched that bitch," he yells and hits me, "He's dead now," He laughs.

I sit there confused. Drunken mistake. Me. Not my father. I'm so confused.

He laughs evilly and and punches me, sending me across the room. I feel the wooden chair brake underneath me. I feel wooden stakes stab into me. He laughs again and goes upstairs.

It's been hours.

Dal's POV

It's been past and hour since Addie left and I'm starting to worry.

"Guys do you think she's okay?" I ask for the 3rd time.

"Oh god lets go look just to shut up Dal," TwoBit says getting up.

We walk to the grocery store and Pony walks up to the Cashier.

"Have you seen a fairly tall girl with medium golden blonde hair? She was wearing a blue shirt and a leather jacket," Pony describes Addie.

"Yea, she left half an hour ago," He says. "Shit," I curse under my breath.

I walk out of the store and follow the route she would've taken to get to the Curtis's. I see a bag with the contents spilled. The bag for the same store Addie went to.

"Guys," Johnny whispers pointing to a little spot of blood.

I curse under my breath and throw a stray punch. "We have to get her," Pony says.

"No shit stupid," I yell at Pony.

"Hey,"TwoBit warns. I don't care right now Addie is missing, kidnapped, possibly hurt. The last thing I care about is some kids feelings.

I run to Chet's house and bang wildly on his aunts door. Don't ask me how I know where he lives. He answers the door confused.


"When was the last time you saw Addie?" I ask.

"This morning,"


"Why? What happened?" He asks.

"Someone took her,"

Chet looks at me with wide eyes. "Richard," he whispers.

"What?! Who the hell is that?"

"Her supposed dad," he whispers.

I have no time to ask what the supposed part meant. I just dashed to her old house.

I kick down the door. Johnny, Pony, TwoBit, and Chet are behind me. I run in and look all around.

"Spread out," I whisper yell. Everyone goes to different parts. I go to her room looking around. I hear a bang coming from downstairs.

I rush down and see Johnny thrown across the room and man does that enrage me. I run and punch Richard in the face. I see Johnny pointing to downstairs out of the corner of my eye.

I throw Richard down the stairs and rush down. There of the floor is Addie. For only being taken for and hour or so she sure is beaten up. Bruises cover her body. Slight cuts here and there.

It makes me sick that he can do that to her. I go over to Richard who started standing. I punch and kick him. He punches me in the face making my nose bleed. I keep fighting him.

"Get her out of here!" I yell to everyone. Chet picks up Addie and walks out of the house.

I throw one last punch at the unconscious Richard.

I walk out side and rush to Addie who is still in Chet's arms. It make me jealous but that's not the problem right now.

"Get her to the Curtis's!" We rush there and luckily Darry is there.

Adelaide - A Dallas Winston fic (being edited)Where stories live. Discover now