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*two weeks later*

Lately Dallas and I have been getting in fights over every stupid goddamn thing. He's been more possessive, but's also been free with flirting with other girls. I've been doing things to piss him off cause he's pissing me off.

"God, you so fucking territorial, just let me go," I groan in frustration.

"Not in that skimpy ass outfit," He says looking me up and down.

It's not even skimpy. I'm in a flowy shirt even if it was cut short, and i'm wearing a pair of shorts cause it's hot. Logic.

I roll my eyes and leave. I am not dealing with him right now. I pull my leather jacket of the hook and without saying bye to poor 'Ole Buck I leave.

Ready to blow some steam off I grab my switchblade and slash some rich punk's tires. Don't get me wrong it's a nice car, but I don't care.

"Hey! Who do you think you are?!" Some girl yells.

"Um, last time I checked I'm Adelaide Levi, what about you?" I ask faking dumbness.

"Kimberly what's going on?" I look up and groan, it's Frank, some cocky soc I've been constantly getting in fights with.

"You," his eyes narrowed as he looked at me.

I smile but am rushed with a wave of nausea. Looking at Frank rushing towards me I dash. I start feeling too weak to fight. I keep running until I've for sure lost him.

The nausea started getting worse until I puked. Oh no it still wasn't over, I fell. I couldn't keep my balance my vision was blurry. I sat next to my spewed chunks for a while.

When I could finally walk again. I decided against the Curtis's and went back to Buck's. Buck and Dal were out so it was fine. I took a long shower and barfed one more time before brushing my teeth and basically collapsing onto the bed.

The bedroom door slams and I wake up to see Dallas. I huff and turn over.

"Why do you have to be so loud," i complain.

"Why do you have to be so whiny,"

"Shut up," I grumble and go back to sleep.

Dal is gone by the time I wake up. Typical. I take a shower and throw on some clothes with my hair in a ponytail.

I hop out and start walking to the Curtis's.

"Miss," I hear someone say, assuming they aren't talking to me i keep walking.

"Miss, please. Are you Adelaide Levi?"

I whip my head around to see a guy in a suit. He looks pretty scrawny. An office man for sure.


"I'm Andrew Wilkins, the lawyer of James Denny," He says. James Denny my grandpa.

"In his will be left you all his savings, I just couldn't get in touch with you so I could never tell you,"

I couldn't exactly process everything. All his savings. His money.


He takes me to his office and we talk it out. 

"$98,000," I repeat in disbelief.

"Yes, if you can just sign here we will be able to transfer all that money to you,"

"Holy Shit,"

Andrew seems a little uncomfortable with all the swearing i've been doing but I can't stop.

All the sudden I feel a bit sick.
Andre opens his mouth to speak.

"Hold that thought Drew," I say as i rush to the nearest bathroom.

As expected I throw up. My throat burns as I wipe my mouth with toilet paper.

A/N. ew.

Adelaide - A Dallas Winston fic (being edited)Where stories live. Discover now