Chapter 2- Friends

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--Hey guys, I'm wondering hows the story so far? Please i would like to know :) so anyways here you go--

Chapter 2- Friends

As the bus comes to a stop near my school, I grab my backpack and walk off the bus, into the cold air again. To myself i say, "I really wish i brought my jacket right about now." I start walking to my school, noticing my friend, Brendan drive by in his Dodge truck, not sure what the model is exactly, but oh well. He flips me off when he sees me. I laugh to myself thinking ill get him back later. I get to my table where me and my friends usually hang out. Brendan says, "Hey Phoenix, did you enjoy my flip-off drive-by ha-ha." "Yes i did thank you very much.", I said. As we both start laughing, Brendan's girlfriend, Jamie walks up and asks, "What are you guys laughing about now?" "About how I flipped off Phoenix about 10 minutes ago." She responds by saying, "You guys are so ridiculous i swear." We simply say, "We know ha-ha."

Soon enough more of our friends start showing up. Gavin, a 16 year old average white sophomore who enjoys video games and scary movies. Also at the table is Christian, an average everyday guy with a burning love for a video game series called Assassins Creed. Then there is Jamie, Brendan's girlfriend. She is a small and little white girl to put it nicely and without offense. She is very kind but she tends to pick on us a lot which really doesn't bother us.

 Finally, there is Daniel, another of my really close friends. He is a very chill and laid back guy who can be easily annoyed which I love. Me and him consider ourselves not friends but brothers as we have gotten to know more about each other.

So after eating my usual breakfast, which is a breakfast burrito and two apple juices, i go to throw away my trash. As i dump my tray into the trash bag someone or something grabs a hold of my shoulder. Instincts kick in as I grab the attackers hand, twist it and as my other arm moves to deliver a powerful blow, I barely have time to stop when I realize who it is.......

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