Chapter 32- Allies

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Chapter 32- Allies

I open the front door of the house and hold it open for Richard, who is carrying Sophia. He place her down on the couch gently. The others come downstairs and notice that Sophia is back. Jasmine asks, "What happened?" I turn to her and say, "She went berserk, she had a whole store closed down and dark. Don't sweat though no one was badly hurt." She responds with an okay. Christina then walks up to me and asks, "Did she you know transform? That happened last time and she luckily went back to her human form." I nod and say, "Yeah she did and it seemed permanent until I did something and then she turned back to normal." She nods her head and then heads into the kitchen. 

Danny walk up to Sophia and puts his hand over her head with his eyes closed. "She's alive and in control. She needs to lay down for a while. We have to teach her to control this." Danny says. "I could help her with that." I say. Everyone looks at me and then just nods their heads. Sophia then begins to move a little. We all just stand there waiting for something but I don't know what for exactly. She then sits up, rubs her eyes, and looks at us with a confused face. "What are you guys staring at?" She says with a confused tone. Richard grabs her shoulder and says, "You lost control again and thanks to Phoenix, your back to normal." He gives her a smile to know that everything is fine.  Sophia gets up and walks towards the kitchen. As she passes me, she says, "Thank you Phoenix." "No problem Sophia." I reply. 

Richard then gets up from the couch and asks the others if they are done packing. "Were almost done just gotta make sure we have everything." says Jasmine. He nods his head and then heads upstairs to finish packing. I sit down on the couch and relax for second. Then Phoenicia jumps on the couch right next to me and pokes me. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Trying to be cute." She says. "You don't have to try to be cute." I say with a smile. She then leans in and kisses my cheek. My face flushes red and she giggles at me. Sophia walk by and says, "How cute." and heads upstairs. I give her a mean look and Phoenicia just grabs my hand and kisses my cheek again. I love her kisses so much. 

Everybody then goes upstairs and they all come back down with their bags. "Everybody ready to go?" Richard asks. They all nod and head outside to the car, except Jasmine. She is just standing in the middle of the room looking around with a smile on her face. I put my hand on her shoulder and she turns to me. "Don't worry Jasmine. I promise to come back here and gather all your stuff even the piano." I flash her a smile that makes her smile. "Thank you Phoenix." We then head out the door. She pulls out her keys and for one final time for her, she locks the door.

We put our stuff in the trunk and hop in. We then head on our way to Corona.  In about an hour, we arrive. We get off the freeway and drive through the town. It is about 7:00 so it is dark. We are at a stoplight at the busy part of the town. A movie theater and shopping mall are to the left of us. Christina is looking at the lights and seems to be mesmerized by them. I laugh at her wonder. Soon we get pass that part of town and head to my neighborhood. At about 7:30, we arrive at my house. I wonder if my family is home yet. I notice that my mom's car is parked in the driveway. I sight with relief and get out of the car. 

Then they park into the driveway of the house across from me. "What are you guys doing?" I ask. "Were gonna stay here to keep in close contact." Richard says. Danny then cuts in and says, "I can make us look like adults in other peoples minds. So I will make them think that this house is bought and that we have already registered at the school." I nod my head and say, "That is genius."

They go inside the house, and then I turn to walk over to my house. Then someone grabs my hand, and I turn to see Phoenicia. She leans in and kisses me. "Goodnight, I'll see you in the morning." She flashes me smile and runs inside the house. I smile and then walk to my front door. I knock and my grandma answers the door. I say hello and walk inside. 

I'm glad my life is starting to become normal. Yet I still have to be ready for Joshua. He will try anything to get Mfalme. I will not let him hurt my family, my friends, and her. Time to go to sleep.

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