Chapter 20- Warm Welcomes

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-- Not much to say here. Enjoy--

Chapter 20- Warm Welcomes

I awake to a loud beeping noise. Why the hell is my alarm on so early? As I jump off the bottom bunk, I notice Phoenicia is not in bed.I go to check the time on the alarm clock. It reads 5:30. I then hear running water. She is probably taking a shower. I then go to my dresser which has all of my underwear and such items. I grab a pair of underwear and head to my parents shower. There are still not home yet. As I shower, I try to not worry so much about my family. There on vacation its fine. When I get out, Phoenicia is already dressed and ready to go. By the time I finish it is 5:50 

I sit down on the bottom bunk of the bed, well since were up this early might as well sleep for about 20 minutes or so. Before I can though, Phoenicia heads downstairs in a hurry. Out of curiosity I follow her downstairs. Before she can open the door, I ask," Where are you going?" All she says is," Just follow me." Without the chance to say anything she heads out the door. I close the door behind me and run outside. I don't see her anywhere. Suddenly a small object hits me in the back of the head. I turn to see Phoenicia standing on the roof of my house. "I hope I didn't throw that pebble too hard.", she said. 

I respond to her by giving her a mean look. She laughs and jumps to the roof of a house that's directly across from my house. "Well hurry up you lazy lion.", she says while jumping over to another roof. I reply, "It is too early to be doing this." I jump to the top of the neighbors car and jump from there to the same roof Phoenicia is standing on. "Lazy lion my ass.", I said. She just laughs and jumps to another roof and so on. I keep up close behind her. She must be stronger than the usual bunch of my kind. She can easily jump from one spot to another without even showing one bit of fatigue. 

Soon enough we run out of roofs to jump, so Phoenicia jumps down to street level. I land right in front of her, making her jump. She is about to fall back when I catch her by her hand and pull her back up. She has a surprised look on her face. I ask, " What's with the face?" She says, "It's just you are such a fierce warrior yet you did an act of kindness." I laugh and say, " It's called being chivalrous." 

I put my hand into my pocket and pull out my phone to check the time. It reads 6:10.  We passed the bus stop awhile back. I turn to her and say, " I guess were walking." She laughs at me. I askaggressively, "What exactly is so funny?" She puts her hands on her hips and says, "You do realize that we have a chauffeur?" At first I'm confused then it hits me, the driver yesterday. Before I can say anything a black Nissan Maxima drives up to us. It is a gloss black and the windows are very darkly tinted. I open the door for Phoenicia and then step into the car after her. We are then on our way to school.

As I get out of the car door, I notice the damage me and Chris did. The building we were in is missing parts of its roof and some classroom walls are open to where you can see inside of the building. As I walk up the school steps, I notice that there is people staring at me and whispering. They are acting like if they had seen a ghost.

I really hope none of the school's cameras were on.

I walk towards to the lunch area with Phoenicia close behind. She is also observing the destruction we had caused. The cafeteria has a giant hole in the wall close to the lunch tables. As I walk around the hill where our table is located, I see people stopping there conversations and stare at me. Fear starts to fill me. What if they now about me? The table then enters my view. At first my friends do not notice me. Then Brendan glances in my direction for a short while and does a double-take. He gets up and runs towards me. I laugh at him as he almost falls running over to me. He grabs me by the shoulders and says, " Your alive?!"  I laugh and say, "Yes I'm alive, now please let go of my shoulders before you crush them."

By now the rest of my friends have noticed me and run over to me. They all ask me questions, not giving me time to react. I get them quiet and ask, "I will explain everything, just let me sit down please." Right before we head back to the table, Gavin notices Phoenicia standing behind our group. He comes up to me and asks, "Who's the girl?" Thinking of some excuse to why this girl is following me, Phoenicia says, "I'm his new neighbor. My family has just moved in from across the street." She finishes this sentence with a smile. Gavin just shrugs and heads to the table. As we all sit down, I could see that they were all anxious to know what happened. 

I tell them about the accident and how I ended up in the hospital but I stop at the part where I was kidnapped and held captive by my own kind for about a day or two. They then tell me that after I disappeared, they thought I died and the school was trying to cover up my death so that theywouldn't get sued or something of the sort. I laugh at this and they all look at me with surprisedfaces. "Trust me guys if I was going to sue the school I would have sued it a long time ago." As we are all laughing I notice that Daniel is not here. "Hey guys, where's Daniel?", I ask in a stern voice. Christian says, "I saw him by the B building." I leave the table and to no surprise Phoenicia follows also. As I turn the corner of the library, I hear yelling and see a crowd of people quickly gather around. I run over to group and to no surprise see Daniel and this Asian guy in the middle of the circle.

The Asian guy has a bloody nose and has bruises on his face. Daniel just has one little bruise on his cheek. The Asian guy runs to Daniel and takes a wide swing. Daniel easily dodges it and punches him a couple of times to the gut and gets up close and knees him. The Asian guy is on the floor holding his gut, but then Daniel is about to stomp on him. I try to get past the crowd but they won't budge. I then yell Daniel's name. This makes him stop and look around. The people move out of the way and I am standing there, but Daniel then goes back to stomp on the guy. I tackle Daniel to make him stop. He doesn't notice it is me and elbows me and gets back to his feet. He is about to throw a punch when I catch his fist and deliver him a swift, powerful kick to his stomach. As he is on the floor to his gut, he looks up and notices me. I walk over to him and yell, "NEXT TIME  CHECK WHO YOUR ATTACKER IS!!" He laughs at this and says, "You have only been back for like a minute and your yelling at me." I smile at his smart-ass comment and pull him up. 

The Asian guy walks up to us and says, "So your friend is gonna get you out of this. Isn't that a bitch move." Before he can turn and walk away, I deliver a powerful kick, to his feet making him trip over in front of the whole crowd. They all roar with laughter at him. His face gets red and before he can say anything the bell rings. "Ohh would you look at the time" pretending that I am checking the time on an invisible watch. He storms off away to his classroom. Me and Daniel are just standing there dying laughter. Phoenicia is just standing there trying to understand our joke. Daniel does his signature "face-palm" and we all head to our class.

Damn, it's great to be back!!!

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