Chapter 26- Others

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Chapter 26- Others

"Stray cat? Huh that's a great way to treat a guest." In a sarcastic tone. I can barely see what they look like in the dark. Then the guy who brought me here waves his hand and suddenly bricks levitate and fill in the open windows and doors. It is now pitch black but then a random fire starts. There is a red headed girl standing there with her hands aflame. "You see we aren't here just for regular chit chat but for a very serious conversation that requires serious tones." She says with a stern voice. I can now clearly see them now. They are all wearing black. Not one hint of color besides their eyes and their hair.

Then I see another girl. She has snow white hair and when she breathes she leaves a cold breath. "Can we burn that out. It hurts." She says with a whiny voice. One of the guys says, "Stop bickering we have business to attend to." He has brown hair and a scar running down the left side of his face. "First of all we need your name?" He says demanding.

"It's Phoenix." I say. Then another one of the figures takes off there hood, and it is another girl. "That's a cute name." She says. She has black hair with purple streaks. Another of the figures, who has blonde spiky hair like that of a character from an anime, says "Damn succubi these days. All they want is da weiner." The succubus then says, "Shut the hell up you damn mutt!! I don't even know him." All he says, "Its all of matter of time."  

The brown hair guy just holds his hand up and then for some strange reason the others stop talking and moving. Then something catches my eye. The fire has stopped moving, yet I can move. "How did you do that?" I ask. "That my friend is called chronokinesis. Control of time itself, although for me it is temporarily." Then all of the others continue moving and talking again like nothing had happened. 

"Well can I at least get your names please?" I ask politely. The brown haired guys points to himself and says, " I am Richard. These are my friends. The black haired girl with purple streaks in her hair is Sophia. She is a succubus in case you weren't listening." Sophia takes a bow and says, "Hey there hot stuff." In a flirty tone that makes me feel uneasy. He then points to the blonde haired guy. "That is Kyle. He is part wolf, part coyote." Kyle says, "What's up" and waves to me. Then he points to the red head. "That is Jasmine. She is a pryodemon." All she does is wave towards me. Pointing to the girl with the snow white hair and chilling breath, "That is Christina. She is a cryokinetic and very shy." I turn to her and she just waves to me and tries to hide in her hoodie. I can't help but chuckle at her.

"And finally, that is Danny. He is a telepath and telekinetic." He points to the guy who brought me here. We shake hands and he says, "Pleasure to meet you." "No prob." I say. Richard then says, "Well now time to discuss about why we brought you here." We all take a seat around the fire. "You are being used by Joshua. He is using you." 

"Well I really haven't done anything for him so technically no." Sophia then cuts in saying, "Look sugar we are here to have you join our little group." "What group?" I ask. "That man has done many horrible things to each of us and soon it will be your turn." "What do you mean?" askingdemandingly. "We have all lost something close to us because of him." Kyle says. "So what you guys are some sort of resistance fighters?" I say with attitude. "Look here were the ones talking just listen." Jasmine says with authority. "Look here I'm a gentleman but if you don't get off my case I'm gonna send you flying through a wall." I say with a animal like tone. 

Damn the lock is wearing off. Jasmine gets up and tries to make a motion with her hands as to gather chi energy and create fire, I get up faster and grab her hands. "I don't think so." She is shocked at how fast I move. Richard then stops us. "Look there is no time for fighting, besides it would get us no where." "Look Phoenix we know your busy and we will let you get back to your date, but remember this. The month is almost to an end. Just pay attention to the kind of tests he will give you." 

I nod my head in agreement. "If you would like to talk to us again just contact Danny at the towns train yards the day after you go for the tests." They all then get up and with a swift motion of Richards hand, they disappear. 

Wow... A bunch of teenage supernaturals just approached me with some bad news. Either my life is weird as shit or this is just the beginning. I guess only time will tell. 

Now how the hell do I get out of this room without breaking down any walls?

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