Chapter 46- Joshua

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-- Sorry for the late chapters. I've been very lazy lately but I will do my best to upload a few these next days. Enjoy--

Chapter 46- Joshua 

After were all done chatting up what were going to do, I head back to my house to go to sleep. Its about 10:00 p.m.  I hope Mom doesn't kill me over this. I unlock the front door and head inside. The door shuts behind me and I turn the lock and head upstairs to my bedroom. There is no noises inside of the house and I stop midway at the stairs. No heartbeats, no breathing, or no television noises. Somethings not right. Where are they?  I sniff the air for any scents of any kind and pick up nothing. I suddenly stop cold as I here a creak. Damn house. I slowly walk up the stairs and when I reach the top, I look around. My room directly in front of me and my sisters room has the door closed. I turn to my left and see my parents bedroom door halfway closed. I finally ascend the last stair and now I'm in the hallway to the rooms. I slowly walk over and turn the knob of my room's door slowly. I lightly push it open and peek around. There's nothing in here and besides my night vision will help me see anybody trying to hide. I turn around and slowly walk back out into the corridor.

I turn to my parents room and walk over to the door. I open it the same way I did when I entered my room and find nothing also. I feel a cold draft inside the room and notice the window is open and the curtains have been ripped off. I slowly walk over to the window and look out to my backyard to see if anyone is there. Nothing. I hear a noise come from behind me and I suddenly turn to face the empty hallway. As I stare out into the hallway, I notice something weird. It feels like somebody is in the hallway but I do not see or hear anyone. Just as I turn to search the rest of the room, I see movement out of the corner of my eye. I stop and stare at the hallway. I prepare myself for an encoutner and begin to lit my hands ablaze. My hands become ablaze in seconds and as I walk back over to the hallway, another noise is made. I hear it perfectly and it seems to be coming from my room. I kick open the door and I see a figure standing besides my window staring out of it into the neighborhood. "Where is my family!?" I yell at the figure as I feel my anger build up. 

The figure says nothing and as I walk over to kick him out the window, he just disappears before my foot can make contact with his back. I almost stumble over and I turn around to see him punch me in the face. The force of it slams me against the window cracking it. He lunges forward for another punch but I duck under his punch and hits the glass, breaking it. I deliver a punch to his gut and my fist goes straight through him. I stare in shock at how I just punched straight through this man but before I can react he hits me again this time in the chest knocking the wind out of me. He takes a couple of steps back and before I can dodge, he grabs me and tackles me out of the window. I try to  turn to get him to hit the ground first but he disappears as I hit the ground hard. I land face first into the ground and feel the force of  my fall hit my face hard. I grab my nose in pain surprised I didn't not break it. 

As I get up, I look around to find the man who attacked me but he is gone again. I notice the house with the guys and I begin to run over to the house to see if they're okay. I knock on the door and Kyle opens the door. "Hey whats up bro?" Kyle asks in a casual tone. "My family is not home and some guys attacked me in my house." He looks at the cuts I got from the glasses. "Guess that explains that then." Before he can run up the stairs to warn the others, something flies past my ear and I see Kyle grab his neck. "Dude you alright?" I ask as I catch him as he falls. By the time he is on the ground he is unconscious. I pull the dart out of his neck and try to close the door as fast as I can but it is too late. Another tranq dart flies into the house and hits me in the neck also.  As I quickly remove the dart, I begin to feel the effects of the drug. My vision suddenly becomes distorted and my  hearing becomes faded. I stumble up the stairs and as I reach the top my body becomes weak. This is prob the same drug they used in the hospital. As I hit the floor, the door opens and Phoenicia walks and trips over me. 

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