Chapter 38- Fire

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-- I want to wish you guys a Happy New Year!! :D Hope you guys are enjoying the story. As Always Enjoy!!! :D--

Chapter 38- Fire

 As I'm sitting on my bed staring out my window, thoughts pour into my head. Deceit fills my head and infects it. One small suggestion and its in my head 24/7. Does she really love me? I'm positive she loves me. Before I can think anything else, a sharp pain comes from my head. I grip my head tightly as the pain becomes even more worse. Suddenly, I'm now outside but everything is on fire. The whole world burning to ashes. Fire reddens the sky. It is a horrible world. Fire everywhere burning all my loved ones and friends. Then as suddenly as the vision begins it ends. I am on the floor of my room in a cold sweat trying to shake off the vision. I then get up and run downstairs and out my front door. My family is out shopping and won't be back for a couple of hours. I pound on the door of the house where the guys live. Jasmine answers and asks, "What's wrong?" with a worried face. She can probably see the fear on my face and I rush in without saying a word. 

"So your saying that you saw a world on fire?" She says as I finish telling her about my vision. I nod my head in silence. "So your freaking out about a vision, correct?" She asks while folding her arms. "Yes and only because it seemed so real. I could feel the heat and I think it was more of a warning about something." I say. I can feel the heat from my palms but I try my best to not ignite my hands. "So we have to watch out about fire?" She says with a smart ass like tone. "Look Jasmine I came here because I thought it was a warning and want to find out. I have an idea but wheres Danny?" I ask. "Hes upstairs helping Richard with moving in beds that we found lying out in the middle of nowhere." I turn to her and give her a disgusted look. "They obviously cleaned it." She says as she heads up the stairs. I barge into Richard and Daniels room just as they are finishing setting up their bunk bed. "Danny we need to talk. Now." I say as Daniel follows me out the room and downstairs. 

Danny takes a seat in one of the chairs at the table as I do the same. "Look Danny I want you to put us into our sub concisuouness. Theres something I need to show you." I say as I relax to make this easy. He nods and closes his eyes and takes deep, relaxing breathes. Then suddenly, everything disappers and becomes white. We are now deep within our minds where our upper knowledge is contained. Then I see Danny standing in the other side of the blankness. "Okay so now what he says?" He says from the other side of the emptyiness. Then suddenly he is on the same side as me. Then Mfalme's cage apears but he is not inside. Where is he?! Crap, Danny is at risk here. Then Mfalme appears right in front of me but doesn't attack. "I thought you were a killer?" I ask. "I am not, I'm a warrior of honor but something here has corrupted us both. I saw the vision also so I am not the cause. You may or may not believe me but questioning me will lead you nowhere." He says as he disappears. "Come on Danny we don't have time to waste." I say as a door appears in front of me. My mind is everchanging even if I try to relax so we do not have time to waste. Danny nods reading my thought. I open the door and it reveals my old friends house. I hesitate to step in and the door closes itself and disappears.

"Josh what's wrong?" Danny asks. "Its just that place brings bad memories man. Please don't even to try to bring it up Danny." I tell Danny as another door appears. I open it to reveal my hospital room from when I was there. I step through and so does Danny. Suddenly the door slams behinds us and the room becomes disassembled piece by piece. "Danny hurry and head through the next door!!: I yell as I run across the room to the next door. Danny opens the next door and jumps in without looking and I do the same as I follow close behind. I get up off the floor and dust myself off and notice Danny is just standing there staring around. Thats when I noticed that we are now in the vision. Danny just stares around and turns to me and asks, "So this is why where here." I nod and walk over to him and stand by his side. "This vision it all seems like its my fault but I have no idea if not." I say as I watch everything burn. I haven't seen any life of any kind burning but that doesn't mean there isn't. Danny then walks down a bit and then closes his eyes and relaxes. Then suddenly the fires clear out and in the distance I see a tower of smoke. Danny then opens his eyes and says, "It was a message dude and it was also a puzzle but only I could see the pieces of it." 

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