Chapter 41- Forgive

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-- Not much to say here. As Always Enjoy!! :D --

Chapter 41- Forgive

Once we finish the training, I head back to my house. I'm soooo tired. I could use a good nights sleep. I open the front door of my house and see my parents watching T.V. in the living room. My mom waves to me and I wave back. I head upstairs and into my room. I change into my pajamas and sit on the bottom bunk of the bed. I really wish I knew what makes me such a killer at times. I wonder what is it that makes me like that. As I ponder my thoughts, I realize that Mfalme is calling my name. I head up into the top bunk of my bed and lay down. I can still hear Mfalme calling my name. It has to be important if hes trying to get me to talk to him this bad. I sit up and decide to meditate so I can talk to Mfalme. 

All is white. Pure silence in this place of serenity. I stand in the middle of this room and wonder where Mfalme is at. Then a door appears before me, but before I can enter through it, it ignites into flames. I jump back away from the door and look around to see if another door will appear. I take a seat and wait for another door. I grow impatient with each second. The door that is on fire is still there. I wonder if this is the door I am supposed to go through. I walk over to the door and I am about to grab the door knob but something stops me. This door seems familiar. I move my hand to the knob which for some strange reason is ice cold instead of blazing hot. I open the door and am staring into a room which seems all too familiar. I step inside and the door slams behind me. I turn and try to open it but it won't budge. Before I can try to open the door again a voice calls to me. I turn to check if anybody else is in the room but there is on one. I walk to the middle of the room and try to figure out where I saw this room before.

Then a tall tan man appears before me. He is wearing some sort of tribal armor. "Who are you?" I ask. He stands there quiet for a second and says, "I am Mfalme. This is in my human form." I stand there in disbelief as Mfalme looks around. Why is he in his human form? "Why are you here?" I ask. He turns and says, "Well how about you tell me." I look around confused trying to figure out why we are here. I then look out the window and something about it compels me to walk over to it. I look out the window and notice that this is the street I lived on of my old house. So if my house is over there then that means I'm at.... 

I suddenly realize that this is my old friend Bobby's house. Then the roof ignites with a roaring fire. I turn to run into the door but it is now gone. There are no more doors in this room. I turn to find the window gone also. The only thing that is with me in this room is Mfalme. "You know what happened here boy." He says with a stern voice. I look down in shame and say, "There was an accident here." Mfalme laughs at me and I look to him and ask, "Whats so funny about this?" He stops laughing and says, "Boy this was no accident. It wasn't two boys playing with fire innocently." I stand there in disbelief and shake my head. "No I didn't do this on purpose. I didn't even know what I was back then." "You didn't know what you were but you were maturing. You barely had any control what so ever of.", he says. "So your saying this is all my fault?" I ask him. He nods his head in silence and I drop to my knees. One of my closest friends died because of me. I should just stay here and burn. I deserve it. All I am is a monster. "No you are not." Mfalme yells to me. I look up at him with despair. "Boy you hold on to the sins of the past and don't move on to the future with hope. If al you do is fill yourself with regret and anger you will destroy everything that you love and care for." He says with a serious tone. I just sit there on my knees and listen to him.

"If this was truly your fault would I be here trying to help you forgive yourself?" He says. "And why would you want to help me? Your a deadly warrior and your in the body of a child. You would have been better off with somebody else instead." I say. "No child. Do you think me bonding to your soul was by mere chance or accident? You have great things ahead of you but you must forgive yourself to become strong child." Mfalme says as a door appears from the other side of the burning room. I get up off my knees and just stand there and stare at the door for a while. Mfalme then walks over to my side and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Child I am your spirit guide. I will help you through your long journey as a mentor and friend." He says as he starts to nudge me to the door. My walk to the door seems as it is in slow mo as the memories of my friend fill me. All the times I would go straight over to his house and play with Lego's. All the times we would run outside whenever we heard the ice cream man would arrive. All the times we needed help with each others homework. 

He may be gone but his memories are with me. I take one last look around the room and when I turn to the door, Bobby is standing at the door. I walk over to him and without saying a word and hug my friend one last time. He gives me a smile and then disappears. I place my hand on the knob and open the door to a bright shining light. I walk through and close the door behind me quietly. Rest in peace old friend. 

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