Chapter 44- The Lion

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-- Hey guys its been forever since I updated. :P I had a bad case of writers block and I'll try lmy best to more often. Enjoy--

Chapter 44- The Lion

As I wake up again, I notice that there is sunlight piercing through my window into my room. I get up and look to see if my brother is in his bed but he isn't. I look out the window and see the guys all outside. I wonder what there doing. I hurry up and change and rush outside to see them all on the front lawn talking. Kyle waves me over and I run across the street to them. 

"What are you guys up to?" I ask as I arrive and say my greetings.

"We think there's another Nemean Lion around here." Richard says.

"Really? What makes you think that?"

"Phoenicia says she feels one is very close around here."

"Well how come I can't sense one?" I ask puzzled.

They all shrug at me. "Well are we going to find him or her?" I ask. "You see that's what were doing here right now. Were deciding whether or not we should go look for the other." Richard says.

"Well I think we should for their sake. We never know if Josh might want to pick up fresh meat." They all  nod their heads and we begin to plan. "Well our best bet would be to have me and Phoenicia together looking for him. Danny and you could also have a good chance and the others will just try to keep a look out for Josh or his goons." I tell them. They all nod and me and Phoenicia begin to walk around the neighbor hood to begin our search.

"So when did you notice this?" I ask Phoenicia. She turns to me and says, "Just this morning, shortly after waking up." I turn to her and say, "Well lets hope that Josh or any of his buddies aren't camped out in town searching for new victims." As we begin to turn the corner of the street, I begin to feel a burning sensation from within my hands. I look at them and wonder if I'm just nervous. I shake it off and we continue our search. "Hey Phoenicia I know this a bad time to ask but do you still ..... love me?" I ask nervously. She stops and asks me, "Well why wouldn't I?", and flashes me a smile. I smile back and say, "Well I'm just asking." She turns to me and suddenly kisses me to assure me. I blush and try to hide my face from her. I hate when she does that. 

As we continue along, the burning sensation becomes alot stronger. "Hey Phoenicia is it me or are your hands burning?" I ask. "Yeah kind of, why?" She replies. "Hmm I wonder if this is my way of finding the Nemean Lion. Kind of like hot and cold when searching for something?" I tell her. She nods her head and says, "Makes sense. Alright lets try that." I hold my hand out to a random house and my hand becomes colder. I then try holding it to another house with no luck again. I try one more time and hold my hand out to the house to the left of me and my hand begins to burn more.

"I think I found it." I say to Phoenicia excitedly. She nods her head and we begin to run over to the house. There's no moving van parked so this person has been here for a while but why did we notice now? I stop Phoenicia before we reach the house and she gives me a confused look. "Isn't weird how we notice now and not months ago or even days ago. It could be a set up." She nods her head and pulls out her phone and begins to call Richard. "When did you get a phone?" I ask her. She turns and says, "Sophia bought it for me."  "Oh well that's nice of her." I say in a hushed tone. "Hey Richard we found the place but we think it might be a trap so tell Danny to find us and well meet up here." She hangs up and gives me a nod to signal that the others were coming.

We sit on the curb for a couple of minutes and soon enough the others get here in Kyle's van. "So whats the situation?", Richard asks as they  all exit out of the van. "We think this might be a trap were walking into." Phoenicia says while scanning for anything suspicious. Richard nods and turns to Danny and tells him, "Hey think you can search for any people in the building that might ambush us." Danny turns to look at the house and turns back to Richard and says, "Give me a few minutes and I'll let you know." Richard nods his head and we all pile in to the car to wait for Danny. As I close the door, I notice that Jasmine is keeping a fixed look on the house. I place my hand on her shoulder and she turns to me. "Whats up?" I ask her. "I just don't trust this house at all. I think its gonna be a trap." I chuckle and she gives me a puzzled look. "Do they really think were that stupid?" I ask with a smile. She smiles back and shakes her head.

Danny finally breaks the silence between the others and says, "Yeah they have some people waiting in there to bust us." I slump into my chair and motion to Kyle to drive off and head back to the house. We make a u-turn on the street but before we complete the turn, I spot something in the window of the house.

Its a small child staring at me.

His stare pierces through my soul and Mfalme's.

I blink and then he's gone from view. That was creepy. Why did that kid leave such a weird effect on me? We then zoom down the street back to the house to plan what to do next against Joshua.

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