Chapter 13- Peace

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-- Hope you guys have a great and wonderful Thanksgiving!! While your at it tell me what you thankful for :D as always enjoy!!--

Chapter 13- Peace

As I am waiting for the nurse to bring the food and water, I calm myself down and think about the questions I am going to ask her. She walks in with a tray. She brings me a soup of some kind with crackers and some water. I thank her.

As she leaves, I ask," Wait, I'm sorry but where am I exactly?"

She replies," Riverside County Hospital, why do you ask?"

"I'm just wondering thank you again for the food."

"No problem." She says with a smile.

I still have many more questions but I know now is not that time. She closes the door quietly. As I am eating this wonderful soup, I begin to wonder what exactly it is, but oh well i still got food. 

I finish the soup quickly and drink the water in one sip. After this I begin to meditate to see if I can remember what happened in the fight exactly. In 30 minutes nothing happens and I begin to feel drowsy so I fall asleep instead.

When I awake, the blinds are open and the sun is shining. I get up to stand in the rays. I take a deep breath and feel suddenly refreshed and energized. After this I begin to do push ups to get rid of all this energy. After some time someone knocks at my door. I get up and open it and the nurse from last night.

"Hello I have some clothes for you." She hands me the clothes.

"Wait where did you get these?" Confused at the thought that the hospital has given me new clothes. 

"Oh that's right you friend, I believe his name is Chris, came by and dropped them off."

Suddenly surprised I ask, "How is he?" asking demanding.

"He is fine just a few small cuts and bruises, he will be just fine."

Smiling at the thought that he is all right, "Thank you very much."

"Okay well it is almost time for breakfast so when your done walk right down the hallway and I'll be there to take you to the cafeteria." She leaves.

I close the door. Okay so apparently I have a baby sitter but oh well. I look at what Chris had brought me. Clean underwear, socks, pants, and a short sleeve spider man shirt. Wow he would bring me that shirt but oh well. I then become a bit creeped out by him buying me underwear or maybe he brought them to me from my house. Well I hope so.

I finish up changing and wash m my face and hair. I wish he brought some gel or something. I open the door and walk down the hallway. I see the nurse waiting for me and we begin to walk to the cafeteria. It is a bit different than in my dream. The hallway doesn't split. As I wonder, another thought wanders in my head.

What would have happened if I went left instead of right?

My thought is interrupted by the nurse. She asks, " Is something bothering you?"

I reply, " Oh no just looking around."

We continue walking towards the cafeteria. There is an awkward silence for a while. I ask her  a question to break the silence, " So I never got your name anyways?"

"My name is Allison and yours?" As she finishes this question, I notice that she is Caucasian. I never noticed last night or earlier how she looked.

"The name is Phoenix Avila, at your service." I finish this and take a bow. 

"Haha whats up with the bow?" she asks.

I reply, "Why not? Haha."

We then enter the cafeteria. It is just like in my dream. I glance at the kitchen and shake off the chills.

She goes up to one of the counters and asks for a  hamburger. She then proceeds to ask me what I would like. I ask for a hamburger also. As the chef starts to work on our orders, I ask her," I know this might be a weird question but do you know what exactly I came in here for?"

She says, "You were caught in an explosion and suffered a sever cut to your right arm." she finishes by pointing at my arm. 

"Oh okay how bad was I when I came in?"

"Well it happened like this, if you remember anything that happened fill in the blank spots. Okay well you and your friend Chris were in your school theater when a gas pipe exploded in the room which spread the debris and resulting flammable materials into some of the other buildings and on the campus. So you guys miraculously didn't get any burns, but you did get hit with a very large shard of glass which dug deep into your right arm."

I nod as she continues. "As I was saying, your friend took you to the field where the rest of the school was at, and from there you were loaded on an ambulance and rushed to the E.R here. By the time you got here you lost alot of blood. I also remember hearing from the paramedics that you were acting very erratic."

I ask, "What do you mean?"

"Like you were trying to claw at them and trying to bite them. They said it was just some sort of shock from all the pain you had. Besides they were trying to un-lodge the glass." 

" I see." as I see the chef almost done with the food.

"So when you got here you were rushed into an operation room and given some sedatives so you could not feel the pain and then they removed the glass and stitched up your arm." she finishes as the chef puts the food over the counter.

I nod and grab my meal. She then leads me away to a table and we start eating. I ask, " So how long have I been asleep for?" 

"A day or two which is remarkably fast. Usually it would take a week or so to recover." she says.

"Huh I have always been a fast healer." chuckling inside at the reason why I heal so fast. 

We continue munching on these delicious hamburgers. When we finish, I take the her empty wrapper for her hamburger and throw it away. As I return she has a very stern and serious face. 

I ask, "Is something wrong?" 

She replies, "No but there is something about that makes you different."

Trying to think of something to say I reply, "Maybe I'm just that awesome? Haha."

She laughs and says, "Sure well time for you to go back to your room."

Great back to the boring room. Besides I kinda enjoy talking to her. It's better than just laying down doing nothing.

Oh well what can you do.

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