Chapter 48- Phoenix

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-- Hope you guys are enjoying my story :D Enjoy!!--

Chapter 48- Phoenix 

"So your telling me everyone was kidnapped?" Sparrow says in worried tone. I nod my head in silence. "Well what are you gonna do?" He asks as we are zoom down the highway. I don't respond at first. "Dude??" 

"To be honest with you I don't know." I tell him. We just sit there in silence until we get close to an exit to where the scent leads. "Take this exit here." I tell him still thinking about what I'm going to do once we reach the spot. We take a left turn which leads us to some warehouses. I see. They took them to a secluded spot so we could not attract attention. "The scent is getting weaker. Wait!! It stops at that warehouse in front of us!" I yell as we finally reach the end of the scent. I open the door and proceed to slam it. "Okay well this is gonna get nasty man and I would really appreciate it if you just waited at that gas station we passed by. When this is all over I'll give you a call man." Sparrow nods his head but before he leaves he says, "Dude not saying this might go to hell but what if it does?". "Then get the hell out of here." I tell him before heading to the loading bays of the warehouse. 

I walk up to one of the giant doors for the loading bay. I grab the handle at the bottom of the door and pull it up with all my strength. The door goes flying up and makes a loud bang once it hits the top. Crap too much. I jump into the building and jump up again to grab the handle from the door. I slam it again thinking that it wouldn't matter if i closed it slowly. This place is huge. As I began to search through the building, I suddenly get a nose bleed. I wipe it away with my shirt and continue. I aimlessly wander through the warehouse hoping that I will find them. Why is the scent gone? I stop and take a look around my surroundings. Suddenly I hear a loud cracking noise. I quickly turn to my right to see a man standing there. I light my hands on fire and get in a stance to where I could launch a flurry of flames. The man just stands there in shock. "Who are you?!" I yell at the man. " a worker here." The man says in a scared tone. Shit. As I exit out of my stance, a bullet whizzes by and hits the man in front of me square in the head. He his the floor with a heavy thump. I turn to see where the bullet came from and I see Joshua standing there with a hand gun. "Not dead I see." He says with a sarcastic tone. 

"You killed an innocent man you bastard!!!" I yell as I rush over to strike him. He grabs my hand and twists my right arm in the other direction. Pain shoots through my arm and I fall to one knee. "Your so easy to predict." He says and then presumes to shoot my right leg. I cry out in pain as the bullet flies through my leg. "Why not just kill me?" I tell him in a sarcastic tone. "Hmmph because you can not be so easily killed. You manage to get Mfalme to lend you all of his abilities to help you survive that explosion." I try to move but I am stopped by an invisible force. "You see Phoenix," he motions his arm to one of his men with him, "this is a telekinetic. They can move things with just their minds. Let me show you a demonstration." The man raises his hands up high and suddenly I my back towards the roof of the building. 

Then suddenly I am slammed down into the floor of the building, breaking many bones in the process. "I find it funny how your doing all this yet I'll heal in a matter of minutes." I tell Joshua in a sarcastic tone. "Your right about that but this is going to get interesting." He says as two of his men grab my arms and lead me away with him. We are lead to an open area and the others. "GUYS!!" I yell with joy. They all lift their heads up and each one of them puts on a big grin. "PHOENIX!!" They all shout one after the other. As the men set me in a chair and tie me up with rope, I can't help but laugh. "What? Is this the best you got? Haha ropes? Seriously? You know I can easily break out of this." I tell Joshua in a confident tone. He smirks and tell me, "I know that again Phoenix but I want to test something." He walk to the middle of the area and aims his gun at Phoenicia. "I want to see how well you are at making choices. I can either shoot her and you have your family without any harm or nothing happens to her but your family is killed." He says in a serious tone. I sit there quietly with my heart racing. "Why are you giving me a choice? You can just kill us all and it will be over with." I blatantly tell him to buy some time to think. 

"Because your gonna have to start making choices in your future kid. Whether you like it or not." Joshua says. I just sit there in the chair and try to break free from the ropes. "If you try to break out of those then I'll kill her and your family also." He says with a smirk. "Fuck you Joshua. Leave them out of this. I'll let you have Mfalme just let them all leave." I say in an angry tone. "Well that's not a choice is it. Your missing the point Phoenix its not about Mfalme. Its about making you ready to handle choices that you will have to make in the future." He holds the gun up to Phoenicia and says, "Now choose." I turn to Phoenicia and she has a look on her face to where she knows her time has come. 

"It will be okay Phoenix." She says with tears falling down her face. I feel a tear escape from my right eye and slide down my face. "I'm so sorry Phoenicia. I wish I could have done more." I hang my head in shame for the words I am about to say.

"I choose my family."

"And so be it." Joshua says. I watch the tear fall from my eye but I notice that as it is falling the its falling very slowly. I turn my head up to see Richard with his eyes closed. Getting the hint, I break out of my chair and rush to Phoenicia as fast as I can to take the bullet. I jump right in front of her to take the bullet. I feel it hit me in my chest and I hit the floor with a thud. Then all of a sudden time now goes back to normal speed. I get up quickly and hit him with a swift uppercut. He soars across the area and crashes into a wall. I turn around to go free the others but as I turn I see a man run up behind Phoenicia and plunge a a knife deep into her back. I stand there in shock and then rush over to grab the mans free arm and break it and proceed to snap his neck. Phoenicia falls to the floor and begins to choke on her blood. "No no no no no Phoenicia I'm sorry. It will be okay hold on." I go to quickly free the others and we all head back to Phoenicia. I quickly run over to her and kneel down and say," Phoenicia you'll be okay don't worry. I promise that you will get out of here fine."  She coughs up some more blood and turns to me and says, "I'll be fine Phoenix. Don't worry so much." I know she won't be okay. I want to have hope but its just not enough. Breaking down in tears I try to think of something to do but theres nothing I can do. I hold Phoenicia's hand and I play with her hair to calm her down. "I always loved you Phoenix and don't forget that. I'm sorry we did not do alot of things together but I really regret it. Please be careful and don't do anything stupid." She tells me with tears streaking down her face. I look up and tell her, "I promise my love." 

And with that her body goes limp. My hope is gone. Only my anger remains.

I loved her. I doubted myself earlier but now I was fully positive that I loved her. More than anything in this world. I had a chance to save her and yet even with that chance it wasn't enough to save her. I failed her. 

Then a voice in my head speaks to me and says,

Claim your vengeance.

That's what I plan to do. 

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