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-- And this concludes my story. Thank you all for spending your time to read this. I'm looking forward to seeing you all on my next book. As always enjoy :D--


I open my eyes to see the sunset. It leaves the sky an orange, bluish type color. It reminds me of Phoenicia's eyes. There were so beautiful like this beautiful sky.

I look down to see the only things I have left of her. A necklace and a note. Jasmine told me she had bought me it two days earlier and planned on giving it to me later this week. I found it in her room as I was clearing out her stuff. I found it hidden beneath layers of clothes in her drawer. It was wrapped in a paper. When I unwrapped it I thought the paper was just junk and used it to wrap it.

As I saw this beautiful silver necklace, I notice that at a certain point there is no metal, but a type of gem instead. It was amethyst. My birthstone. I never told her what my birthstone was or as a matter of fact my birthday. As I stared at this necklace for minutes, I looked to the paper I had tossed away. I reached over for it and grabbed it. When I got a better look at it, I saw it was a note.

"Dear Phoenix,

I got you this necklace as a sign of me showing how much I appreciate you coming into my life. Joshua wanted to make me a tool for him but you didn't let that happen. You instead of choosing to run chose to stay and fight for me. I love you so much and I hope we will have a chance to spend our lives together and have children. I know that if we have a boy I want to name him Phoenix

because he will be just as great as his father. 

Love, yours and only


P.S. I found out what your birthstone was by Daniel reading your mind. Hope you don't mind :P"

The note and necklace became gold to me. It was a treasure I would always cherish. The necklace became my guardian angel. Holding the necklace in my hand, I could still smell her cent on the necklace. With time the scent will be gone just like Phoenicia but the value of it will never disappear.

As I hop down off the roof to head inside, I remember when Phoenicia first entered my house. I open the door and stay in the door way to envision it. How she came into my living room and jumped onto my couch. Then how we talked and how I made her blush and then vice versa. I head up the stairs and stop in the hallway again.

I look to my restroom and remember the time I accidentally came in while she was changing. I can't help but laugh in between my tears. I smile remembering the good memories I had with her. I just wish that I could have spent more time with her. 

To create more memories with her. To cherish every moment with her. I never realized how much of what I had till it was out of my grasp. As I climb into my bed, I began to think.

Of what our life  could have been. The things we would have seen in this world. The tender moments of love. Nothing for the rage bound creature sworn to destroy.

So now I may say my friends that sadly this is how it ends for this tale. My mind only saddened and hollowed at the aftermath. No great life lessons to learn or getting the girl. 

I can only hope that I can "enjoy" the summer. As I close my eyes, the cycle of my pain begins. Starting with how Phoenicia came into my life and ending with how she left.

The End. 

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