Chapter 35- Ice Queen

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--Hey guys hope your having a great holidays. I got my very own laptop so now ill be able to post more often :D As Always Enjoy!!! :D--

Chapter 35- Ice Queen

"Your hair looks absolutely disgusting!!" Some red headed chick yelled at Christina while the whole class was busy lifting weights. She has 3rd period weights with me since shes new but next semester were both gonna have 4th period weights instead. Christina just stands there with an insecure look. The girl just continues to insult Christina. Why isn't she standing up for herself. Before I can walk over to Christina, the bell rings. We rack up all the weights and leave for our locker rooms. I hurry up and get changed so I can talk to Christina before the next class starts. I exit the locker room and heads towards where the girls get out.

I see Christina sitting on a rock and putting on some sort of make up. When I walk up to her she is putting on blush. I give her a weird look and she says, "Does it look bad?" "Not bad but odd." She has a snow white face along with snow white hair so the blush doesn't reallly fit in. She then pulls out some sort of cloth from her backpakc and wipes off the blush easily. The bell then rings and Christina heads off in a different direction to her class. I head to my computers class. Since it is the end of the semester, I'm going to switch into a different class but that class will be in third period. The class flies by really fast as usual. "Later Mrs. Sturman." I yell behind me as class ends. Lunch, finally. I head over to the table and notice something weird.

The red head from third period is at our table and with her posse. I hear her yelling insults at her. I walk over to the table and the others are just sitting there not helping Christina. I walk over to the red head and say, "You and your posse are going to leave now." She turns and gives me a nasty look and says, "What are you gonna do about it?" I grab an apple from Brendan's tray and squeeze it easily. This scares the red head's posse. Brendan turns and says, "Dude!!! I was gonna eat that. Haha." I just shrug and sit down. The red head and her posse leave in a rush. I look at Christina and notices she has a very gloomy face. I move from my seat and tap her on the shoulder. She turns towards me and I say, "Wanna go for a walk?" She smiles and nods her head. I turn to tell Phoenicia that I'm going to walk for a while but she already heard me. Christina then begin to walk around the school which is fairly large. There's about six buildings for different topics like math, English, History, etc. Then there's the main building in the middle of campus and the giant gym which is very close by the office.

Christina turns towards the gym doors and opens it to walk into a hallway. The gym is also where the cafeteria and a couple of other classes are located. As me and Christina wander through the halls, she just stays silent. I turn to her and say, "Okay so what's wrong?" She sighs and sits down next to a wall and I join her. "It's just I hate the way I look. My skin is ice cold and my hair is snow white. Why can't I have beautiful hair like the red head in third period?" I just chuckle and Christina turns surprised. "Look Christina honestly, there's more important things to worry about. Look the red head is just being a bitch. That's how alot of girls from here act like." Christina just folds her arms and says, "Well I don't like it here." I just get up and shrug. "Come we have a lunch to enjoy. If you want to talk about this later then text me alright?' She nods her head and we head back to the table.

The rest of the day zooms by as usual. The same thing in geometry and world history. As the final bell rings, me and Phoenicia walk over to the group holding hands and then I notice Christina. Something about her seems different. I don't know what but I'll find out. We all say our hellos and goodbyes and this time we all hope in to Kyle's SUV. In no time we are home and before I can even walk into my front door, I get a text from Christina. It reads : Come here plz? I close my phone and head over to the guys house. Kyle opens the front door and gives me the usual high five we do. I then head upstairs into Christina's room. Her door is closed shut and when I grab the door knob, it is freezing cold. I heat up my hands and open the door. A cold draft hits my face giving me chills. Christina is just sitting staring at a mirror. "Hey." as she notices me, she drops the mirror. "Damn it!" she yells. "Sorry about that here let me help." I crouch down and pick up the shards of glass and put them in a little trash bag Christina has for her room. I then sit down on her bed and say, "Okay so what did you want to talk about?" 

She turns towards me and says, "Phoenix, I'm an orphan or I thought I was until last night." I have a confused look on my face and ask, "What do you mean?" She gets up and picks up her laptop off of her dresser and opens it up. She hands me it to show me pictures of a couple on Facebook. "So your saying these are your parents?" She nods her head and says, "Now look at where they took the pics." I look and notice that behind them is the high school. "Holy crap!! They live here?" She nods and smiles with joy. "Then why don't we go?!" I get up and say with energy. "Thats the problem. I have no idea if they will remember me or not." I then lose my excitement and then get an idea

. "How about we wait at there house and when they leave to do something, we will sneak in and look around and see if they have any documents or pictures of you." She nods and says, "Good idea, especially now that we have a two week break." She then gets up and grabs a jacket and heads out of her room. "Where are you going?" I ask as I follow behind her. "To my parents house!!" She yells as she runs out the front door. I follow behind and think to myself. Is this really a good idea? What if she doens't want to help fight Joshua and just live with her parents? I shake off the negative thoughts as I hurry to catch up to Christina. She easily gets tired and stops to breathe. I run up to her as she is catching her breath and I let out a chuckle. "No wonder you have such a bad grade in Weights. Hahaha." She then catches her breath and before she is about to start running again, I stop her. "Look just hope on my back. It will be alot faster and easier to get there." She nods and piggybacks on me. She doesn't weight alot since I have gotten alot stronger this past month. 

She puts her arms over my shoulders and grips my chest. Her hands are cold but soft and smooth. I then begin to jog then transtion into a run then into a sprint. Everything out of the corner of my eye is a blur. After a while, we arrive at the house. We just stand there for about a minute then I hear someone moving through the house. A man passes by the window and I turn to Christina to see her eyes wide open and shaking. "Whats wrong?" I ask with a worried expression. "Its just wait if my parents see me as a freak?" Feeling sorrow after hearing this, I walk over to her and hug her. "Don't worry, I'm sure they will welcome you with arms wide open." She then sheds a tear and it falls on my hand but there is something odd. The tear is warm. Not cold like her skin. She is also freaked out by her warm tears. She looks up to me and stares at me with big silver like eyes. She has a look of pure sorrow that pierces my heart. 

"Okay Christina so you were adopted right?" She nods her head and says, "Yes I am." I sthen say with a friendly tone, "There has to be some logical reason to why they had to adopt you don't worry."  Then I hear the sound of a knob turning and me and Christina stop and look. The door opens slowly to reveal a man with glasses and casual clothing standing there. Him and Christina make eye contact and just stop. Before Christina can do anything, the man just walks over to his car, gets inside and drives away. "Okay Christina nows our chance." I say. We walk over to the front door and turn the knob. Unlocked, Sweet! I listen to the house to see if anybody is still in, after listening for a minute, nothing. I close the door behind us and begin to search. It is a small house with only three rooms. I begin searching in the master bedroom. After a couple of minutes we find nothing. I then notice that there is a little opening in the floorboard beneath the couch. I move it and find stairs that lead down into a basement of some kind. Since I have cat like eyes, I'll be able to see easily down here. 

I look around and at first just find cardboard boxes. Then I notice that there is a safe hidden behind a box as I'm searching. I listen to the lock combination as I try unlocking it. After a couple of tries, I manage to open it. There is folders in heres along with a suit case. I grab the suit case and open it to find money. Then I hear something growling in the shadows and it leaps towards Christina. I have seconds to react to stop this thing from hurting her. I dive in front of her and take the full force of the tackle which send me flying to the wall. No way is this some kind of dog.

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