Chapter 30- Memories

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-- 1,000 reads everybody!!! Thank all of you guys so much!!! This means alot to me and its great to know that I have great fans who enjoy this story. As Always Enjoy!!! :D--

Chapter 30- Memories

As we are zooming down the freeway I tend to my wounds. Nothing too bad, just some bruises here and there. They should heal within minutes. Richard is holding his head and seems to be in alot of pain. "Hey Richard how you holding up?" I ask just to be sure he is alright. "I am fine my friend. It's just that's the longest I have ever stopped time and it has put alot of strain on me. All I need is rest and I will be at full power." He gives me friendly smile to assure me. I nod my head and then turn to see how Phoenicia is. She is just looking out the window with a sad look on her face. I know that feeling also. I put my hand on her shoulder which grabs her attention. She turns to me and smiles at me. "I know this is hard on you. Do you want to talk about it later?" She nods her head and just continue to stare at the window.

I know this will make her stronger. It made me and it will for her. I then turn to Danny and say, "Hey man so where is the others?" He takes out one of his earbuds and says, "Come again?" I repeat myself. "Ohh there at our "base" or more like home." he says with a laugh. I join him laughing and say, "Okay cool so where exactly are we going?" I ask. Jasmine then interrupts our conversation and says, "Were going to get the others then head to your town. Joshua will not stop until he has Mfamle's soul or you." Hopefully they can tell me more about him. "Jasmine, so who exactly is thisMfalme?" She says, "Not now, but I promise to tell you when we stop to get the others." I say okay and then notice something weird about Jasmine. Is it me or is she nicer to me? 

We then get off the freeway sometime after we left the garage. We pass by a couple of neighbor hoods and then the pavement ends and turns into dirt. We drive up this dirt road until we stop at this very big and old house and the end of the road. Jasmine then says, "Were here." We all get out of the car and walk towards the front door. Before we can even open the door we hear a loud scream come from inside the house. I rush inside the house and go to where the scream came from. It came from the kitchen. I run in and all I see is Christina standing in a corner looking terrified. "What's wrong?" I yell. She screams and points to a rat. Wow a rat? I do one of Daniel's signatureface-palm and grab the rat and take him outside to be free from the house. 

When I get back in the kitchen, I see that the corner Christina was standing in is frozen. I turn to her and before I can say anything, she says, "I'm terrified of rats. Shut up." She is wearing a bright white jacket with a fluffy white fur on the hood and a pair of jeans with ugg boots. She puts up her hood to hide her face. "I wasn't going to say anything and besides everybody has their fears." I pull up a chair next to her and try to get to know her. Since I'm gonna be seeing these guys more often, might as well get to know them each. I tap her shoulder and she turns to me with a surprised face. "Look I know that I might seem scary at first but I am not. Don't worry." I give her a smile to assure her. She smiles back and then asks, "Okay well since you know what I'm afraid of, what are you afraid of?" Before I can answer, I then think.

What am I truly afraid of??? "Honestly Christina, I have no idea." I say with a confused tone. "Really?" she asks. "Yes, its weird because I know I'm afraid of something I just don't know what exactly." She just says, "Oh well." and walks away. Well that was a great talk. I then decide to have a look around the house. The others have went upstairs to prepare there things. I walk into the living room and notice that there is a piano. It is dusty and looks like it hasn't been used in years. I sit down on the stool next to the piano, and before I can lift the cover off the keys, Jasmine yells at me. "Hey don't touch that." She surprises me and I turn to see her standing on the stairs. She is wearing some sort of leather jacket and some causal jeans. "Sorry, it's just this piano looks perfectly. So who lives her anyways?" I ask. 

She walks down the stairs and says, "I do. Me, my mom, my dad and my little sister." "Ohh okay well where is your family." She just says nothing. He has all caused us great tragedy in our lives and we want to prevent it from happening to you. Suddenly guilt ridden, I get up and walk over to her and say, "Jasmine, I am truly and deeply sorry. I did not mean any disrespect to you or your family." She has a mean look on her face and raises her fist to hit me but then stops inches away from me. She breaks down in tears and falls to her knees. I get down on my knees also and put my arm over her shoulder. Richard begins to walk down the stairs and I mouth him to go upstairs real quick. He nods and heads back upstairs quietly.

I rub Jasmine's back and tell her, "What happened to the mean girl attitudude?" I say in a joking attitude. She laughs a little and wipes away her tears. "I bottle up all my sadness and turn it into anger and to not show the others I am not weak." She sits dowwn on the floor and I join her. "Look you might be something not from this world but inside your still a 16 year old girl who has had trouble with her life. Your still human you know." She looks at me and says, "Look we saved your family from death. How has your life been bad?" I turn to her and with a stern voice, I say, "Just because I have not lost my family doesn't mean I have faced hardships in my life. Your father loved you and stayed with your family. Mine did not and you know what it has made me one strong. It's okay to cry every once in a while."

She just looks at me with watery eyes. "You need to use the love of your family and the hopes they had for you and use it to become stronger and move on. That is being tough." She then looks at the piano and gets up and lifts the cover of the piano. She sits down and begins to play a melody. "This was my family's favorite song." She moves her fingers gracefully and smoothly over the keys. She then begins to tear up a little but then I touch her shoulder and give her a warm smile. She continues and begins to play with passion. As if she were performing in front of her family, she plays as perfect as she can and smiles and looks around the room. This is tough for her but she must to become stronger. She then finishes her song and is just sitting there crying quietly. "That was perfect Jasmine." She turns to me and gives me a smile. "I'm sure your family is applauding you right now asking for an encore." She laughs at my statement and says, "I guess so." She wipes away her tears and puts the cover down on the keys.

"Time to finish packing." She heads back upstairs and I follow to explore more of the house. Richard walks over to me and says, "You did good man." I nod my head and say, "Thanks man but I can't help but feel guilty." He is surprised by this and says, "What do you mean?". I then say, "If I wasn't bonded with Mfalme, Joshua wouldn't have searched for others to find and use them to find me." Richard then opens his mouth and then closes it. "Look Phoenix it's fine. Don't worry besides if it was do you think she would have let you open up with her?" I nod my head and just continue walking through the house. 

I then find Jasmine's room and see that she is still packing. She has a photo in her hand and then she begins to make a hand motion. I stop her from lighting the picture on fire and say, "Justbecause your moving on from the pain, doesn't mean that you don't have to completely forget about them." She then pulls the picture out of the frame and puts it in her bag. I walk into another room and notice Phoenicia sitting on the bed. Before I can sit down with her, Kyle walks up to me and says, "Hey what's up man? Long time, no see." "Hey Kyle actually can we talk later? Sorry but I have to do something really important right now." He nods his head and then goes about this way. 

I sit down with Phoenicia and hold her hand. She then turns and looks at me then to her hand and blushes. I give her a smile and I lean in close to her. She leans in also. Then finally after hoping ford days ever since she moved in with me. We kiss. I can't help but start a small flame in my free hand. Phoenicia stops and then looks at my hand with wide eyes. I turn to see my hand and notice something different. The fire on my hand is not red but blue. Why is my fire blue?

Then Danny rushes in the room asking, "Have you guys seen Sophia?" Jasmine answers the question for us by saying, "She said she was going out for a walk real quick." Danny then swears under his breath and walks over to Richard. They say a few words and then Danny goes back downstairs. Richard walks in and I ask, "Is something wrong?" He responds by saying, "Sophia is a succubus hence a demon and evil succubi kill the partners after there done feeding. The demon in her is starting to take control." Man I have so many things in common with these people. I nod my head and say, "Okay let's go find her." 

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