Chapter 10- The Lion and Wolf

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-- Hey guys sorry about the really short chapter. I promise the next three will be awesome. As always enjoy!!--

Chapter 10- The Lion and Wolf

As I walk into the hallway I stand against the wall. Chris closes the door behind him and motions me away from the windos so we could have our privacy. I stare at him wondering what he will say.

In a strict voice he says, "Listen I know im not your dad and I shouldnt be scolding you like this, but you should know better than to pick on a human, remember that I'm always trying to teach you all I know and I have tried to get you to not bully the weak." 

With deep sorrow in my voice, "I know Chris, I just dont know what came over me when I did that and you aren't my father but you are a very big role model in my life." I said with sorrow in my eyes and regret filled me.

I hate disappoing him. It always make me feel like shit. 

But why do you? 

The Lion is trying to control me at this weak stage I am at.

"So what happened yesterday?" Chris says.

A sudden anger erupts in me. "How the hell do you know about that?!" As I scream this I feel a sharp pain in my eyes as if my eyes changed.

"I just know. Now calm yourself. I don't want you to be angry. So tell me what happened?" he asks.

As I tell him about the weaklings that tryed to harm me, I felt the rage boil up even more. He says, "Ok I know understand what you did yesterday was not your fault but god dammit Phoenix! You know youre not supposed to release that lock! I taught you better than that! Why don't you listen to me?!" he said starting to scream.

Before I could apoligize the rage becoms too much and takes over. "Don't scream at me Chris!" the Lion says as he gets into a postion to attack. 

"Stop. Now," he says. I try to reason with the Lion but he won't listen. He silences me out. Chris contiues, " Don't do this if you aren't gonna do it with the intent to kill." he says. The Lions anger is emitting like heat and becoms a virus.

"Dont test my patience Chris!" The Lion then rushs towards Chris but he tries to grab my hand but I react faster and flip over him As I try to resist the rage, my soul at battle with the Lion in me, it gains the upper hand. 

 I am too tired to do anything but watch through my eyes what the Lion is doing with full control of my body. 

Chris then pulls the fire alarm, hurting the Lions ear drums for a split second then he uses this oppurinty. I quickly dash to him, grab his arm and swing him into the classroom. As he smashes through the wall I hear bones breaking. 

He gets up on his feet and I pounce towards him.As he stands there waiting for me to get closer he begins to throw a powerful punch. I am left with nothing to do but watch. Right as his fist is about to make contact with my face, he stops.

No Chris, hit me. Stop this thing before it gets worse. 

The Lion takes the oppurinty. With all my force and momentum, I swing at him as I am leaping towards him and punch him right in the face. He flys back with such great speed that there is a crater in the wall. 

"This is so much fun!' I say in an animalitc voice. I sprint towards him at great speed but before I can hit him, he grabs my fist and with his other hand under my arm pit he flings me towards the ceiling and i break through the weak roof support and fall down into the class. As I get up, Chris screams, "Your right this is fun!"

We both dash to each other and strike each other at the same moment and both flung back.

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