Chapter 31- Demon of Lust

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Chapter 31- Demon of Lust

"Okay you guys stay here. Me, Phoenix, and Kyle will go get her." Richard says while the girls and Danny nod. "Remember if theres anything call us." They again nod there heads. We then head outside and get into the SUV. This time Kyle will drive since he's the only one out of us with alicense. We then head to the nearest populated area. The nearest mall. In about 20 minutes we arrive at the mall and find a spot to park the car. "Hey Richard did Danny create mental tethers for all of us?" I ask. He nods his head and then gets what I'm hinting. He pulls out his phone and calls Daniel. We wait at the entrance of the mall for five minutes then he hangs up. "Danny says she's somewhere upstairs. Okay let's split up and find her." We all then head our own separate ways. They start from the opposite ends of the mall while I start my search in the middle of the mall.

I get on the elevator and when I hit the second floor, I smell something. Lust. It smells good yet smells horrible at the same time. I then follow the smell to no suprise at all. It is coming from a Victoria's secret store. For some strange reason there gates to the store are closed. There has to be some way in. Then while nobody is looking, I quickly lift the gate up slightly and slide inside the store. It is alot bigger inside than I expected it to be. I pull out my phone and sent text messages to Richard and Kyle. I then contiune into the store to find Sophia. The store is pitch black but my eyes are able to see in the dark. There is also a dead silecence in the store. Then the smell of lust becomes stronger and notice it is coming from the first floor of the store. I jump down the railing instead of taking the escalators. 

When I land, I see a figure in the distance. I hide behind a perfume counter. Holy Crap these things smell strong as hell. Then I feel an itch in my noes. I hold my nose so I do not reveal myself. The sneeze goes away and I then jump over the counter. I follow the figure and notice it is male store worker. He walks away from the perfume department and heads into a door. I follow close behind but jump on the roof and crawly and follow him. The hallway is brightly light up but he hasn't seen me. He then opens the door to enter the storage area but before he walks in, I jump down from behind him and hit him in the back of the head to knock him out. Sorry buddy, but trust me this will help you in the end. I continue into the room and crawl on the roof again. Then I find her.

Surrounded by a group of men who seem to be under her control, Sophia is making them fan her and feed her food. I jump down from the roof and land in front of her. Sophia then tells the men to stop fanning her and feeding her. She sits up and says, "Hey there good looking." In the same flirty tone as last time. I stand there unfazed and say, "Come on Sophia you know its not nice to toy with a man's emotions."  She just stares at me and licks her lips which makes me feel uneasy. She then lunges to tackle me which I back-flip away from easily. She then seems mad about me escaping and then yells, "Bring him to me!!!" Her slaves then stop there tasks and run towards me. 

I just dodge them and toss them out of the way. In about two minutes, they are all laying on the floor dazed. I then have an idea. "Hey Sophia if you want me, you have to come after me." She then begins to drool, and yells, "Mine!!!" Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I then run back to the hallway and back into the main area of the store. I wait at the door so I can get the drop on Sophia, but after a minute nothing comes thorough the door. I peek inside the door and I see nothing in the hallway. Before I can enter into it, something grabs me by my feet. I then see what has grabbed me. Sophia has grown some sort of tentacles and her face is becoming more distorted and demonic. She holds me up to her and licks my face. Oh dear god this is sooo gross. She then tries to take off my clothes. "Hey sorry but I'm taken." I deliver a kick to her face which sends her across the store. I hit my head on the ground when I fall. 

I get back up and have a headache. Before I can run over to Sophia, I hear voices behind me yelling my name. I turn to see Kyle and Richard running towards me. I yell, "It's about damn time!!" I then turn back to Sophia and see that she is just barely getting up and then her slaves appear from the multiple hallways like a bunch of zombies. I run up to the closest guy to me and grab him and spin him around to knock down the others around me. Richards then just disappears for seconds and then reappears with a guy in a headlock. Damn he sees things sooo slow, we think hes moving super fast. Kyle then just runs into a group of them and begins to fight them off. I deal with my group no problem, but then notice Sophia is heading towards me. She is becoming more savage and distorted by the second. She tries to attack me with her tentacles which I dodge easily. I grab one of them and start to swing her around. Kyle notices and tells me to throw her to him. I let go and Kyle delivers a powerful dropkick to Sophia which sends her into the perfume department. 

I run over but before I can do anything, the smells become too unbearable. I am coughing on the fumes and Sophia then stabs me with a shard of glass in my stomach. I roar in pain and stare at my stomach. I then pull out the glass and then roar in pain more. My stomach lets out a good amount of blood before it heals up. Kyle then tries to tackle Sophia, but she dodges him and grabs his foot. She just holds up Kyle for a few seconds trying to figure out what to do with him. Then Kyle yells, "Hey Phoenix!!" I turn to him and he says, "I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going!! How was that joke?" I can't help but laugh at him making such a stupid joke at such a wrong time. Kyle then notices that Sophia is getting another shard of glass and is about to ram it straight through his head.

Kyle just yells, "Oh crap!!", but before she can kill him, I make her tentacle burst into flames with my new found fire. Kyle just falls down and runs over to me. We are both standing there in a battlepostion and panting. "Where's Richard?" I ask him while breathing hard. "No idea but keep fighting." We then hear Sophia let out a horrible cry that hurts my ears. She then rushes up to me and punches me in the face hard. I launch back a little and do a recovery roll before I hit the floor. She and Kyle are in close quarters combat. Kyle just does jab, dodge, knee, dodge, kick, stupid joke. Then I see Richard walk towards me carrying some sort of net. "Keep her busy!" He says. I nod and dive into the action. Now me and Kyle are both fighting her. Kyle is actually fighting her while I am dodging and hitting her tentacles. 

Then suddenly a net falls over her and she becomes confused. Enough time to restrain her. I grab her tentacles that are sprouting from her back and swing her into a pillar. All three of us then rush over to her and tie up her tentacles to each other. We dust off our hands and then I say, "So what now? We can't take her like this? Hell we can't barely even move her out of this store." Richard tries to stop time but I stop him. "Don't strain yourself man." We then are just standing there. Then I get an idea. "Hey Richard I could start a fire somewhere else so that way the mall would have to be evacuted and everyone would be busy." He then nods and says, "That could work but there is too much of a risk hurting someone." 

Then my hand sets aflame again and it moves by itself to Sophia's head and does a hand  motion and then she begins to turn back to normal. Richard, Kyle and I just stand there stunned. Within seconds she is back to normal. The same old, human Sophia. I turn to Richard and say, "So will she remember this?" Richard nods and says, "She didn't remember last time so I guess so." I nod my head and look at my hand. How did I do that? Then I remember that the storage area was empty. "Richard here's a better idea. How about we move the guys that were slaves outside, Kyle brings the car around to the exit of storage and we light this place on fire. Its destroyed anyways andtheres no one around here." All he says is, "Perfect. All right Kyle go get the car, Phoenix I got the guys just watch Sophia okay?" I nod my head and then Richard heads off to do his task. Kyle also does the same.

In about 10 minutes Richard comes back and says, "All right everybody is out. Let me bring Sophia to the car and you set this place ablaze." Richard picks her up and walks away. I then light my hands on fire and create two red fires in separate parts of the room. Then I see him. 

Mfalme. Dressed like me but in all black colors and red eyes. Just staring at me. "You know you wanted to kill today." I just stare at him and say, "No, I wanted to help my friends today, and that's exactly what I did. You might be a killer but your a part of me. I plan do deal with it for a long time so should you." I then walk out of the hallway as the rest of the store sets ablaze. I run out the exit of storage and see the car parked right out front. I hop in and Kyle puts the pedal to the medal. I turn to see Richard taking care of Sophia. All of her wounds heal before my eyes. "Good job guys." I say with a victorious tone. Kyle fist bumps me and Richard at first neglects then decided to. I hope we didn't hurt her to bad. Now time to return back to the girl I truly love.

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