Chapter 7- Shock and Awe

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-- Hey guys Josh here im off of my little writing break and ready to put up new chapters. :D So what do you think the mystery girl has to do with our beloved hero? And is she truly the cause of him becoming power? Guess you'll have to wait and see. Without further distractions, Enjoy!! :D--

Chapter 7- Shock and Awe

As I close the front door of my house, I remember that I have school. As I am rushing upstairs I catch the time. It is 6:30. Was I really running that long? Oh well. I grab some comfortable jeans, a black volcom shirt and some boxers. Once that is done, I head into the shower.

Once I am done drying my hair, I grab my stuff and head off. I check the time on my phone and it is 7:00. Damn it, I missed the bus. As I am standing thinking about how to go to school, the lightbulb turns on. I'll run to school but how do I not atracct attention. I know, I'll just put my hood up and jump across the rooftops of the next neighborhood. With my mind made up, I began my mad dash to get to school. As I am running, I run to a field I could use as a shortcut. Not paying attention, I trip over a rock and flip forward. As I am flying through the air, I place my hands on the ground and shoot myself forward back into speed. As I wonder how I did that, I make it to the next neighborhood.

I find a wall next to a house to make it to the roof easier. Without  breaking a sweat, I jump from the wall and then onto the roof of the house. I simply jump across the roofs until I hit the end of the neihborhood. Stopping to catch my breath, a car stops up to me. 

 It is Brendan. He motions me to get in his car, which I do. As I get into his car he asks, "What happened to you?" I reply, " I missed the bus so had to walk." He says, " Walk? Dude you looked like you were running from zombies." 

"I felt like running."

"Whatever dude." He says as we go on our way.

We pulled up to the school at around 7:20. Perfect timing. We then head to the table to say hi to everybody. Right after this, the bell rings. As me and Daniel walk to Mrs. Wagner, I look for the girl in my dreams. I have no lead on who she was so might as well start simple. As we get to the class, I am disappointed I did not find her but I'm not gonna give up.

It is now third period, weights class. The perfect time to relive stress and forget about problems. Well at least your social problems. As we head to the Weights room, the girl slips into my mind again. Coach says were going to do maxes today. Thats pretty much just to see how much you can lift. As me and my spotter head to the bench, I am tell him to toss some 45 pound plates on the bar. I lay down on the bench and start the lift.

Piece of cake. Well it seems my strength has become increased but how much? After my spotter lifts and I spot him, I tell him to add more weight. He adds another 45 plates. I lift them as they were a feather. As we go up in weight more and more, a crowd gathers around seeing who could lift the most. As I finish lifting 500 pounds, I hear some guy in the back say "He can only lift that because hes using steroids.

This angers me. I point to him and say, " Why don't you try to lift this kid." He stays quiet. Yeah that's right shut your stupid mouth you puny human. After we rack up all the weights and do our core exercises the class ends and we head to the lockers. As I leave, I see the kid. Not thinking, I walk up to him.

"So your the little kid who was talking shit?" In a coarse voice to him. He shakes his head scared. "That's what I thought." I then grab him by the collar and throw him against the wall with ease. "That should teach you a lesson." As I am walking away, I come to my senses. What did I just do? That's not me. I'm not a bullying asshole. That's when it hits me. Along with my increased powers something else has become more powerful. 

The Lion. Not strong enough to control me but enough to corrupt me when I'm angry. I must watch myself for if I don't, any little frustration can be turned into a sadistic rage and everything around me will be dead or destroyed. 

With these horrible thoughts, I walk into my fourth period. I am greeted by my friends.The people I love and care about. The ones who have helped me through so much and I am always a constant threat to them. They desrve better. In time I will have to leave them for the Lion will become stronger. I know it will. As I sit down I think, this is gonna be a very long day.

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