Chapter 42- New Year

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-- Hey guys sorry I havne't wrote in a while. I have been very busy lately :) Hope you guys are enjoying the story :) Remember to spread the love and share the story with other people :D As Always Enjoy!! :D --

Chapter 42- New Year

When I get off the city bus, the cold January air hits me hard. I shiver from the strong breeze. The wind feels like Christina's breath. As I walk towards through the school parking lot I notice Brendan parking his car and get out. I call out to him and he turns towards me and waves. "Sup bro?" He says. "Nothing much. How was your New Years?" I ask him. "It was really good. My family had a huge party and Jaime was there also." He says while putting his car keys in his pocket. I nod my head and say, "That's good. You ready for the new year?" I ask. He nods his head and we head to the table. 

When we get to the table Gavin, Christian, Sparrow, and Danny were having a conversation of some sort of game. Me and Brendan just sit there and listen, too tired to care or participate. As I am thinking of my new years resolution somebody taps my shoulder. I turn to see it is Phoenicia. I greet her with a smile and get up and give her a hug and a kiss. "Hi beautiful." I say with a joyful tone. All she does is blush and hugs me. I play with her hair and she wraps her fingers around mine. She looks me in the eyes and says, "What did I do to deserve you?" I chuckle a little and say, "I'm not that amazing." She gives me a frown face and I pinch her cheek to embarrass her which works. Then in no time the others start to appear. We all converse for about fifteen minutes  before the bell rings. As me, Sparrow, and Phoenicia head to my class, I smell something that makes my body tense.

A rotten and putrid scent. I look around to see if I can tell where the scent is coming from but I have no success. The rest of the day goes by fast but when I am walking by myself to my third period class, the smell comes back and as quickly as it appears, it is gone. All of fourth period I am nervous and tense. Once class ends and I dress into my street clothes quickly, I notice that a big black van that is parked close to Brendan's car. Something about it makes me suspicious and again the smell returns. I walk towards the van and notice that the van doesn't have one of the mandatory school car id. I circle around the van and try to check and see if this van looks familiar. After looking at it for about five minutes, I notice that Brendan is walking out to his car. He walks up to me and says, "What are you doing here? I don't remember you getting a car?". I look at him and say, "I don't know just something about this car makes me uneasy." Brendan shrugs and hops into his car and ignites the engine. 

When the engine turns on, an explosion erupts from the van and sends me flying into another car. I get up and stare at the fiery wreckage where the van was and notice that Brendan's car is overturned. "BRENDAN!!!" I yell as I run over to his car. I circle around it and yell for his name. He responds back with a, "Yes I'm alive but hurry the hell up and get help." As I am about to run for help, I notice that the fire is spreading too fast and is going to reach the gas tank. I look around and see if there is nobody in the immediate area. After scanning the area I find nobody and turn to the car and yell, "Brendan I'm going to try to open the door get back." I run over to the driver's door and yank it off with ease. I motion him with my hand and he takes off his seat belt and crawls out from the wreckage. "You alright man?" I ask him. He coughs and says, "Yeah just a few bruises and scratches here and there. How did you ope-" Before he can finish his sentence, the gas tank of his truck ignites and with mere seconds to react, I push him as hard as I can and I knock him away from the truck. 

He flies into the pavement and turns and sees me become engulfed in a huge inferno of fire. "PHOENIX!!!" He yells as he watches me "burn" and die before his eyes. Pretending to be hurt by the fire, I yell and stumble out of the fire with my clothes burning. He bats me with his jacket and I make the fire on my body disappear to keep the act going. He looks for any burns but doesn't notice any. "Dude how the hell are you not burned from that?" Thinking of a crazy lie I say, "Maybe I'm just lucky." He just nods and stares at me weird for a couple of seconds. In about ten minutes, the city fire department comes and douses  out the flames. As me and Brendan are sitting in the ambulance to be checked by an E.M.T, Brendan looks at me and asks, "What do you think caused the van to explode?" I give him a confused look and shrug. 

As two firefighters pass by, I listen in on their conversation. One of the fireman, who is tall and thin, says, "Weird ain't it? No gases, no chemicals, no homemade bombs." The other fireman, who is shorter than the other and kind of chunky, says, "So it just mysteriously exploded? That's just as odd as when that gas station right across from  here exploded about two months ago without a cause." As they walk past me I notice that there is a group of E.M.Ts across from me and listen to their conversation. "The ginger kid just has a couple of first degree burns and some bruises but nothing that will kill him." One of the E.M.Ts says. One of them turns to the other and says, "What about that other kid?" He asks while giving me a quick glance. I look in another direction to pretend that I do not realise he is staring at me. One of the E.M.T.s says in a hushed voice," Get this he was about a foot away from when the van exploded and he was fine and then he somehow managed to get the door open and then when the truck exploded which was probably right next to him exploded, he walked away without a scratch." They all just give me a quick glance and attend to their business.

Mysterious explosion? Which is conviently close to my best friends car? That is too much of a coincidence. After the paramedics check up on us and make sure nothing is wrong, we walk back to the table. Me and Brendan walk quietly for a while until he stops me. "Okay dude you don''t get burn by both explosions, manage to pry open my door which was stuck, and then toss me away from my car far enough for me to not get burn?" He says with a interrogative tone. "Whats your point?" I ask. He opens his mouth but before any words come out of his mouth, he shuts up and says, "Never mind bro. Its been a crazy day. We'll talk about this some other time." He says as he walks away to the table.

I just stand there for a second and think. Well if he's smart enough to piece it together, I think its fair to tell him. No, I'm fine. He doesn't need to know. None of the guys need to. I sure hope that my theory is wrong because if not then my friends are in a lot of danger. I run and yell for Brendan to wait up as we both head back to the table.

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