Chapter 39- Burns

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-- Hope you guys had great holidays. Since I'm back in school again I'm probably not gonna be able to upload as often :P As Always Enjoy!! :D --\

Chapter 39- Burns

When I wake up, it is the dead of night. I try to get up but I'm too weak to move. I look around and notice that I am downstairs but not in my house. Then I hear the sound of walking, and then a light from upstairs turns on. Then someone begins to come downstairs. It is Christina. She is wearing a tank top and some fluffy pajama pants. I pretend I'm asleep just to see what she is going to do. She walks past the couch and heads into the kitchen. Then she turns on another light and the sound of water is heard. She's probably going to get some water. Instead of seeing her walk out of the kitchen with a glass of water, she was a little block of ice and a rag. She wraps the rag around the ice and puts it on my chest. At first it stings, but a few seconds after it begins to feel refreshing. I pretend to be asleep for a little longer just to see if she will leave but after twenty minutes she is still sitting with me. Then I feel her cold, frail hand rub over my chest. It helps get rid of the pain from the burn I got. I can feel her body "heat" getting closer to me. I then feel her body press up against mine and I open my eyes and notice that she is laying very close to me almost cuddling. Why is she doing this? 

This is just odd. I try to move again but to no avail. Her cold body helps the pain go away even more. Ohh okay she is laying on me so that way I can heal even faster. What a genius she is. I try to fall asleep and in no time, I am knocked out.

The sounds of pots moving and plates being placed awakens me. I open my eyes and look around and notice that Christina is not laying with anymore. I get up off the couch and sit there waiting for the head rush to go away. I stand up and notice that Christina quickly head into the kitchen. I walk and as I turn to walk into the kitchen, she bumps into me. "Oh sorry Phoenix." She says while trying to hide her face. I try to say something but before I can, the smell of breakfast hits me hard. I take a big whiff of the air and wheel around to the stove. Mmmmmmmm eggs and bacon. "Is this for me?" I ask with a big grin on my face. "Yes its all for you Phoenix." She says while heading over to the stove to turn it off. "Thank you Christina." I say with gratitude. I take a seat and Christina brings me a plate full of food. Before I can my fork can touch the plate and scarf down all the food, Christina stops my fork from touching the food. "What?" I ask with curiosity. 

"If you want I could feed you?" She asks with a nervous voice. "Ummmm... no thank you." I say politely. "Ohh okay then. Hope you enjoy the meal." She gets off her chair and heads upstairs. I hear her say something under her breath but I don't know what exactly. I then turn and say, "Hey Christina!!". Before she reaches the upstairs, she walks back down and says, "Yes what is it?" I give her a smile and say, "I would like to take up that offer please?" She then heads over to her same chair and begins to feed me. I have no idea why I did that. Too late now I guess. When I finish my plate, she walks over to the sink and puts the plate in one empty side. I walk over to the couch and lay down. Christina sits down close to my head and turns on the TV. I close my eyes for a few seconds and then notice that she is slowly inching closer and closer. I look at her and she looks at me. For a split second, I have a strange feeling from inside me. Then I hear someone come down the stairs which catches my attention. It is Richard. "Hey Phoenix how you feeling?" He asks while taking a seat next to me. I sit up and say, "Pretty good now, whats up?" 

"We have to talk." He says in a stern voice. I then notice that Christina walk upstairs and I hear the sound of doors upstairs shutting. He sighs and looks me in the eye and says, "Phoenix, I have a feeling that this next week is going to be very tough." I give him a confused look and say, "What do you mean?" He look me in the eye and says, "Look at how this recent weeks have been. We fight Sophia then Joshua's men then that pyrokinetic. He was intent on killing alot of people. After that confrontation, I'm afraid of what we will face next." I sit there and listen to Richard. "We have been in the same spot for weeks already. They will find us eventually man. There is no doubt." I begin to wonder about Richard's words. "We will probably have to move on to another area now. We do not want to risk him finding us." I then get up off the couch and say, "So your gonna run instead of staying and fighting?" He stands up also and says, "Look Phoenix, I would love to stay and fight but there not ready for any kind of fighting hell look at Jasmine. She did what had to be done but it has affected her so much already. What makes you think there ready to take on someone who is cruel and relentless?" "Because I have faith in them!!" I yell at Richard. "Phoenix, Phoenicia was never a part of the group so you will be fine without us." Before I can say anything, the thoughts of Phoenicia come into my head. Have we drifted apart? We hardly talk or see each other anymore. "Look dude I know you and Phoenicia say you love each other but its not the case. You have rushed it dude." I don't object to his claims because deep down he is right. I sit down on the couch and let the words sink in. "Phoenix if you really do love her, you wouldn't want the risk of her getting hurt." "She has no family dude. I can't just ditch her like that." I say with low voice. 

Before Richard can say anything, Mfalme's voice echoes in my head. Look child I am not the cause of why you consider yourself a monster. Something withing you is the cause of why you wish to kill. Find it and you will no longer be considered a cub to me and you will be at peace. "Phoenix are you listening to me?" Richard says. "Oh sorry I zoned out." He sighs and with an annoyed tone, says, "Look Phoenix if we are really going to stay and fight Joshua, we need to get them ready for the fight. They will need lots of training for this." I nod my head and say, "Fine we will get them ready then." Richard nods and then heads upstairs. He is right. A storm is on the horizon and we are not ready for this. We will have to train them or it will be a bloodbath. As I sit back down on the couch, I also begin to ponder about Mfalme's words. Then what exactly within me is the cause? I'm gonna meditate tonight and see what exactly it is. When I turn on the tv, it is the news talking about the fire that the teenager caused. Then Jasmine pops into my head. Richard says she was bad but what exactly? I'll ask her when she comes down. 

Am I really in love? I know I accepted but Richard said but did I just do that so he could stop talking about it. I need to talk to Chris soon. This next week is going to be very rough on us all. I just hope at the end of it we are all alive and well. 

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