Chapter 3- School

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--Hey guys its me josh, i would like to thank you for reading my story so far i promise not to let you guys down and over 110 reads. I know its nothing compared to other stuff people have put on here but for a newbie I think its pretty good so thanks and enjoy!! :D--

 Chapter 3- School

 As i pull my punch as best i can to not hit him as bad as originally as I was going to, my fist hits his big, muscular body at such speed it felt like hitting a rock. Grabbing my fist in pain, "Dude you seriously got to stop sneaking up on me or I'm going to break my hand one of these days." He replies by laughing at me in pain, clutching my fist. "Sorry little bro, didn't expect you to do that." 

"Well you know about my reflexes dude." I say quieter than usual.

"Hahaha well just try not to hit me as hard next time."

"Next time?'

"You never know" 

As he walks away, you probably wonder who that was. That was Chris, the closet friend I've ever had in my entire life. I would love to explain who we met, but that's a long, complicated story.

All of a sudden, the bell rings, our cue to head to class to start our boring day.

I grab my stuff and head to my first period, Mrs. Wagner, who teaches 11th grade English.

I open the door and see Daniel sitting in front of my seat. I sit down and ask, " Why are you sitting there I thought you sat over there?" pointing my finger to an empty seat across the room. He replies, "Mrs. Wagner moved me dude." 

"Ohhh okay sweet haha."

Mrs. Wagner walks to the front of the room saying, " Good morning everyone i hope you guys had a great Halloween." Some students reply to her while others just sit there quiet. Me and Daniel are talking when Mrs. Wagner notices us talking, "Hello boys I see you had a nice Halloween. Would you like a new seat Mr. Avila." 

"No m'am." In an embarrassed tone.

"Good. Class today we are starting to read the works of Edgar Allan Poe......" As her voice started to blur so did the rest of the day.

Six periods later, we finally get out of school. I walk over to the front of the school library where me and my buddies hang out until our parents pick us up. As I walk towards them, a bunch of guys who don't really like me at the moment because im friends with most of there girlfriends, who I'm nicer to than there "boyfriends", walk towards me and bumps into me on purpose.

"Move it short shit."

"Excuse me????"

The one who pushed me walks up to me and says, " You heard me do I have to say it twice?"

"Only if you want a broken nose or jaw. Your choice."

"Well look whos grown some balls." He pushes me to try and scare me.

"Better than that sad excuse of a vagina you have." As I finish saying this I notice that a small crowd has formed around us. With my adrenaline pumping and anger building I remember that my mom was going to pick me up and if she ever saw me fight , she would home school me. Thinking to myself, as much as I would love to bash this guys face in, I can't.

"You know what I don't hit girls even if there as ugly and as much of an asshole as you so later bitch."

The crowd replys with oohs and beat his ass.

All he does is get angry and walk away with his little posse.

Of course the stronger warrior wins. Feeling victorious, I look for my friends and notice that they left during the mayhem. My phone then starts to vibrate and I open it to find a text from my mom saying,

Cant pick you up babys not feeling well going to er srry

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