Chapter 45- Games

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--Hope you guys enjoy this chapter :D--

Chapter 45- Games

As the final bell rung, all of the people in my class screamed with joy and rushed out to go celebrate the start of a new summer. I while excited to what summer held wasn't overjoyed. Why you probably ask? Because I still have to worry about Joshua trying anything, especially now that were out of school for about two months. When I walk to the flagpole, I see all my friends talking about what there going to do this summer. Some yell that there gonna work their faces off to get some money for something expensive. Others say they have summer school, and some just say there going to do nothing. I for one are going to save up some money to buy all the great games that come out in fall. Problem is I have no job at least at the moment I don't.

As we all say our goodbyes and wishes for a great summer, I walk over to Phoenicia and tap her shoulder. She turns and smiles when she sees who it is. I kiss her softly and she blushes as she usually does. My friends notice this and they all say their "Awwww how cute" or "Get a room lover birds". I give them all a nasty look and we all burst in laughter. Brendan and Jaime say their goodbyes again and head off to the parking lot together. Soon after Gavin and Christian leave to get their rides. The only ones left are me, Sophia, Kyle, Richard, Danny, Jasmine, and Christina. We all squeeze into Kyle's car and head off to the house. Once we all get their we began to talk about what were gonna do for the summer besides worry about Joshua and his goons. "If he shows his face around, I'm gonna show him how bad frostbite really is!" Christina yells in a joyful tone. "Now that would be pretty funny to see." Richard remarks as he is placing down his backpack on the floor and hops onto the couch. "Hey guys save me some action. Haha. I wanna show him how much stronger I have become." says Kyle as he flexes his muscles to support his statement. I could see Sophia eyeing at him as Kyle does his macho man flexes.

Oh man I think to myself. Those two would be a wrecking ball of emotions but I could see them as a couple. As I shake the thoughts off I hear Phoenicia say, "I want to get that bastard back for all the things he made me do just to please him." I can hear the anger in her voice. I assure her by placing my hand on her leg and smile to her. She smiles back and turns to the others and says, "Once were done with him we can all have normal lives like one big happy family. Haha". We all laugh together but it isn't really a laugh of humor. More like a laugh of nervousness for what we will do once this is over. Kyle turns to me and says, "So Phoenix once we finish this are we all going to have go our separate ways?" I ponder for a few seconds and say, "I don't know man. That is up to you guys if you want to."  Kyle looks at me then to the floor.  He stares at the floor for a few seconds and says to me, "I think I'll stay." He smiles and I return the action. Sophia starts to speak but she cuts her self off short. "What is it Sophia?" I ask with a curious tone. "I wanna stay too. I don't really have much family here in California and I don't really wanna go back up north to San Francisco." She says in a hushed voice. 

 The room stays quit for a few seconds before Richard speaks. "I'm going to go back home." He says in a plain tone. I look at him and ask, "Not to be rude but why?" He turns his head and says, "Because I still have a home unlike most of you. My folks live out in the Oklahoma." I look up and ask him, "How come your family is fine and all?" Richard says, "I called them the other day. I told them that once I got there I would explain it all." 

"Well best of luck to you man and I hope you get the chance to explain this crazy shit. Haha."

"Thank you guys. Well what now?"

To be honest I don't know. We have no way of finding him. Chris has been gone for the last 3 months so thats out of the question of asking him. "Well find him and you will all have your chance to show that bastard what your mad of." I say in a confident tone to give them inspiration. 

Well be lucky if we even find one of his goons. Time to enjoy summer I guess. 

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