Chapter 16- A New Friend

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-- Hey guys this chapter is gonna go back to Phoenix's point of view. So tell me what you think of switching views? Does it make the story more interesting or no? As always enjoy!! :D--

Chapter 16- A New Friend

Phoenix's P.O.V.

As I wonder at how awesome the movie the The Avengers is gonna be, Allison walks in. She says, "Well it's time for dinner Phoenix." She has a smile on her face and its contagious. I smile back and say," Sweet." As we walk down the hallway again, we pass by the cafeteria. Confused, I ask, "Wait we just passed the cafeteria." She says, "I know but were gonna go get  you some real food." To be polite I tell her, "Ummm it's fine the food isn't bad here anyways." She replies, " Don't worry were just gonna go get something to bite then come back here straight after." "Well if you insist." I reply as we walk into an elevator. 

As we are waiting for the elevator, I notice something strange. As we walked down the hallway they were moving some of the patients to different areas of the hospital. Kinda odd but maybe they getting a room. I wonder when I'm going to get a room or if i'm going to be here long enough to need one. I hope not I feel homesick.

As we walk out of the elevator, two janitors get into the elevator but they gave Allison a weird look.Probably just some perv's. Well now that I think about it she doesn't look half bad. Okay I better stop for the sake of this friendship. As we get into her car, I ask," Umm are we allowed to do this." "It will be fine don't worry." she answers. I shrug and put my seat-belt on. She then asks, "What would you like to eat?" I answer, " How about some Jack in the Box?" "Thats fine." she says.

As we drive to Jack, she asks," So what grade are you in Phoneix?" "I am a sophomore." I answer. "Thats cool. So tell me about yourself?" she asks." Not much really just your average teenager going through high school." I tell her as I look out the window. She asks, " I know this might seem a bit personal but answer if you feel like it. Okay?" I reply, "Okay sure what is it?" She says, " I was looking up info about you and you had a friend that died right?" 

Feeling a sudden pain of memories, I reply, " Yes I did." saying quietly. "So what happened?" she said. I reply, " We were being stupid kids we were and playing with things we shouldn't have. We watched a video about some kids playing with some aerosol spray and a match. We thought it was cool so we wanted to try it. We were having fun with it at first but I accidentally hit the button on the can which sprayed out the aerosol and the flame....." I cut myself off mid-sentence as the tears slide off my face. 

She says, "That's okay you don't have to say anymore." she finished with a smile. I smile as I wipe the tears away. We finaly arrive at the Jack in The Box. We order our meals and sit down and eat. About 30 minutes into us getting there, Allison gets a phone call. She heads outside so she can talk in privacy. At first I try to listen in on the conversation but decide not to as this would probably ruin our friendship.

As she walks back in she tells me, " Hey we gotta go back to the hospital would it be okay if you would get a bag and finish it at the hospital.' I say, "Sure no problem." After I get the bag and get inside her car, she speeds all the way to the hospital. Damn this must be a real emergency if she has to drive this fast. As I head back to the elevator, goes in a different direction. Before she leaves, I say, "What no goodbye?" She turns and says," Goodbye". For some weird reason she looked like she said that with regret.

Oh well, i'm tired. I hope no scary ass dream creeps into my head. As the elevator door opens to my floor, there is something very ominous. There is no one on this floor. I don't hear anyone or smell anything. What time is it anyways? It's probably getting late. I walk to my door and before I do, I think I see someone out of the corner of my eye. Am I asleep? I bite my hand to make sure. Sure enough pain shoots up my hand. Next time i'm gonna find a less painful way to be sure.

As I close the door and jump in my bed, I think of how pretty good of a day it was. I made a new friend but i have no idea how our friendship is gonna work once I leave this place. I'll figure something out.

Suddenly, in my window, I see a rope drop. What the hell? I get up to check. But before I can open the window, a black object smashes through the window.

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