Chapter 1 - Same old shit

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--hey guys hows it going im gonna start working on the first chapter tonight then hopefully tomorrow i can work on parts of chapters 2 and 3 but im not gonna rush this cuz my last upload i kinda had some typos >_< lol. By the way how are you guys feeling about the main character so far although you havent really learned much lol. But more shall be explained so enjoy :D--

The sun so bright and warm. The cool breeze relaxing and gentle. Sitting on a rock and enjoying the view. Its funny how such a simple thing is so enjoyable. But then i see something that catches my attention and puts a smile on my face.

A lion. Like seeing an old friend or missed cousing a feeling of happiness. Then it sees me running towards me not to attack me but to welcome me and greet me. Walking off the rock to meet

my "brother" I go to see more come and.........


The freaking alarm goes off. Greeeeeeaaaaaat. Well time to get ready.

I hit the snooze button to shut the thing up. It reads 6:00 p.m. just like i wanted it to yet preferably not at the current moment but oh well I dont want to serve lunch detention. As i am groaing and yawning i notice that my brothers bed is neatly done and that he is not there. A look of confusion falls upon me. I peek into my sisters room and notice that the beds are done also. "Thats weird". I then go look downstairs and see a note on the dining table. It reads "Went to get meds for brother. Whole family tagged along. Dont forget to lock the door." I then shrug and say "oh well." I then go upstairs to change into casual pants and a clean blue Spider-Man shirt. With backpack and keys an wallet in hand, I lock the door and head to the bus stop. As im walking there i hum to myself and think about how the day will turn out.

As i round the corner of my street, i see graffiti of some sort of gang or something. "Thats just great oh well im just gonna have to watch over my little sisters when they go outside to play." In about 3 minutes i get to the bus stop right as its turning the corner. As it drives up i think to myself, i wonder why im such a great test taker but dont do assignments. Then it hits me, oh yeah thats right im lazy as hell. The bus door opens, i give the driver my dollar and then im off to school to see the same old shit.

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