Chapter 17- Uninvited Guests

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---- All right guys you ready for the next chapters. Shits gonna get hectic lol. As always enjoy!! :D--

Chapter 17- Uninvited Guests

Oh crap that rope was for rappeling in. I need to pay attention more often. As I try to get up and face my assailnt, I look up to see the barrel of a gun pointed at my face. I freeze there instantly. The man says in a muffeled voice, "Get up." I do what he says and he turns me around and pushes me to the door. "Hey what the hell are you doing?" All he says, " Be quiet or I'll make you be quiet." "Pathetic how you have to use a gun to threaten me. Your all high and might with that but once that's gone, you are nothing."

All he does is hit me with the butt of his gun and pushes me out the door. As I fall to the floor and look up, I see other men armed with guns. They are all dressed in black and with vests. What is really weird is that they dont havea any name tags on their vests or anything to signify thay are with the police or military. Then it hits me, there not with the police. If they were they would have some sort of name tag. It's standard procedure that I learned in my Law Enforcement Class. So I don't have to hold back.

As I get up they grab my arms and lead me. I stay quiet as they lead me to the stairs as they open the door, they make a mistake by letting me go through first. With such fast speed, I slam the door on one of the guys fingers. I bones crack and him scream in pain. I use this oppurtinty to quickly dash up the stairs. As I am doing this I hear, "Target is moving upstairs and fast. Deploy team two now!!"

As I move up a couple of flight of stairs, I decide to enter one of the hallways. It is empty also. I turn to my left and see the men again but this time with some sub machine guns. One of them spots me and takes aim. "Oh crap!!" I barely dodge his bulletfire. I get up on my feet fast and sprint down the hallway not knowing where i'm going. I hit a dead end. Damn it!! I wheel around to see four men take aim and about to fire. Suddenly for some strange reason, the men slow down. As the bullets fly out of the muzzle, I notice that they are also moving slowly. Suddenly, I am across the room and the four men down on the floor.

How did I do that? No I didn't do that. Oh shit are they alive. There still breathing. Good. As I run away from where the knocked out men are, I see a window which leads to the roof of another floor. I hear footsteps come from the other end of the hallway. I jump out the window and hit the roof running. I jump onto another roof. Before I can jump down to street level, I see that theres many more of them waiting for me to jump down. That would be sucide if I tryed, even if I move really fast.

Trying to think of an escape route, some other men catch up to me on the roof. They are all aimed at me. There is no where I can go. If I go left, dead. If I go right, dead. If I jump, dead. Hmm well how about going down. With a swift smash to the floor, I break through the roof. I take down a couple of men with me. As they try to get up, I swiflty dash away on all four.

Now I am in the reception. As I head over to the main exit, I begin to make an escape plan. I hear footsteps. I hide behind a corner to get the jump the person. As the person turns the corner, I notice that it is Allison. I walk over to her and say, " Come on we need to get out of here now!"

She asks, "Why what's going on?"

"Some men with guns are trying to kill me or something. We need to hurry." I turn to see a group of men turing around the hallway. As I try to pull Allison with me, I feel a sharp pain in my gut. I turn to see Allison with a needle stabbing into my side. She is putting something in my body. As I let go of her hand and grab out the needle, I begin to stumble and my vision starts to fade. I am on the floor holding my side, I look up and try to say something but no words come out of my mouth. I fall to the floor and my eyes close. I can hear them talking still.

I hear a woman say, "You weaklings, you couldn't do this with all your firepower?"

A man says, "We are sorry maam but he was a lot faster than we thought he was."

"Next time dont underestimate your target."

"Yes maam, okay men secure the target and make sure he doesn't escape this time"

After this I black out

Damn my luck.

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