Chapter 40- Hybrid

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-- Hope you guys are enjoying the story!! :D Sorry about the short chapter :P  Spread the love people and tell others ;D As Always Enjoy!! :D--

Chapter 40- Hybrid

As I lay down into my bed, I think about my friends. Sophia, Jasmine, Christina, Richard, Kyle, Danny, Chris, Sparrow, and Phoenicia. What will we do after? Where will they go? They just here to hide out until this is over but once that is done what happens after? I shake off those thoughts and head off to sleep. 

When I wake up, i get changed into some sweat pants and sweat shirt. I walk out of my house and smell the fresh morning air. I notice that Kyle is also walking out of the front door also. I walk over to Kyle and say, "So what are you doing out here?" Kyle says, "Well why are you?"  "I felt like going on a jog. " I respond. "Well I felt like going on a jog also." Kyle says. I shrug and start with a fast paced walk. I slowly transition into a jog then into a run. Kyle keeps the same pace as I do. We run for about thirty minutes I then notice that Kyle is starting to pant. I stop running and ask, "Hey you okay?" He nods and says, "Yeah I'm fine just tired." We head back to the house and I begin to notice that Kyle seems down. "Hey whats wrong?" I ask with concern. He just looks down at the ground and says, "Its just... I miss my girlfriend." "Ohhh okay. Where is she right now?" He turns and says, "Texas dude." "Damn Texas? Is that where your from?" He nods his head in silence. 

As I head back to my house, I can feel Kyle's sadness. This is not going to help with the training he is going to need. I lock the door and head upstairs to go take a shower. After the shower, I head back to sleep. I have two weeks till school starts again. So this will the best time to train them. By the time I wake up it is 12:00 P.M. I jump out of my bed and change. I hurry downstairs and grab a bag of Doritos to eat for breakfast. I tell my mom I'm going to be going over to my friends house. She lets me go and I head towards the house. When I walk in I notice that the living room is empty. The T.V. is gone along with the couches. I guess this is where the training will be. Then everybody comes downstairs. "Hey Phoenix. Just in time." Danny says. "I take it that this is where the training is going to be?" I ask. "Well one of the spots. The other one is upstairs." Richard says. I nod my head and walk to the middle of the living room along with Kyle, Christina and Phoenicia. Jasmine, Danny, Sophia and Richard head upstairs. "Alright guys were just gonna learn basic hand to hand combat right now. Mfalme will do most of the training while I am still in control." They all nod their heads.

After a couple hours of training, all three of them are tired, panting and sweating. "You have done well but there is more." Mfalme says. "Now you must practice your mental power. Cryokinetic girl." Mfalme says as Christina turns her head. "I want you to cover your body around a coat of ice." Christina then closes her eyes and begin to focus. Soon enough she begins to cover her feet in a coat of ice then up her body all the way to her head. "Good child. This will help if they use bullets or weapons such as knives." Mfalme says with pride in his voice. He looks to Kyle and says, "Okay now your turn hybrid." Kyle get up and walks over to me. "Since you are part wolf and part coyote you will probably have a much more higher strength than a usual one of either species." He hands Kyle a pan. "I want you to bend this pan and then unbend it back."  Kyle tries to bend the pan but to no avail. "I can't do it. Im not strong enough." Mfalme snorts at Kyle and says, "You are not even trying." Kyle tries it again and gets the same results. "I told you I can't do it." Mfalme shakes his head in disappointment. "You need to give it your all hybrid. You will die easily if you do not prepare yourself." Kyle tries and fails. "How is this supposed to help me anyways?" Kyle asks. "I want to awaken your inner strength so that you will hit alot harder." Kyle nods and tries yet again. "Hybrid, you must stop worrying about that "girlfriend" of yours. If you worry about her in battle then you will be an easy target. Then you'll be dead and then you won't have to worry about the girl."

Kyle nods his head and takes a deep breath. He bends the pan and unbends the pan easily. "Told you so." Mfalme says. Kyle smiles and says, "Sweet so now will be able to lift cars and shit?" "With training you will." Mfalme says. "Okay Lioness now you. I want you to create fire just like I do." Mfalmes hands blaze with a blue fire as he instructs Phoenicia to do the same. She creates fire but it is also blue. "I see you are also strong in athe art of pyro." Mfalme says. Phoenicia nods her head and begins to move the fire from her hands to around her body. Guess I was right about her being different. This is going well for the first day. Just imagine what we will be able to do in two weeks. 

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