Chapter 18- Heritage

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Chapter 18- Heritage

Why is it so dark in here? I can't see, which usually I would be able to. Then again, I was tranquilized. It is probably suppressing my powers. I still can't belive she would do that. Why would she? Mostly what does she have to do with those guys who were tyring to kidnap me?

I hear footsteps in the distance but I can't tell if there in this room or another. Suddenly, a bright powerful light turns on and blinds me. I put my head down to protect my eyes. A figure walks in front of the light and says, " Shut off the light, he passed that test." A man flips a switch and the light is off. All of a sudden, I can see in the dark now, the traq has weared off. There are two men in this room with me. I try to lunge at them, but my hands are bound to this chair by handcuffs. Damn I'm still not strong enough to break these.

One of the men walks toward me and grabs my face and tells me to open my mouth. I do not comply with the man. He then walks over to his partner, who hands him a device of some sort. He presses a button on it and suddenly I hear an screeching noise so strong that it is very painful. The man with the device in his hand walks closer. As he gets closer, the pain becomes more intense. He then turns off the device. As I am recovering from the pain, he crouches down and tells me, "Now if you be a good kitty, I won't do that again." I tell him," Fuck off." He is about to hit me when a door opens. A woman walks in and tells him to stop. The man and his partner then walk out of the him leaving me behind with the woman.

She pulls out a chair for her to sit on. As I am sitting in this cold chair with my hands cuffed together, I began to try to unlock the Lion. The woman says, " There is no point in trying to unlock it. Your werewolf friend put him under an even more powerful lock." She catches me off guard with this statement. I look up and notice it is not Allison. "What do you want?" I ask. She says, " I can't tell you just yet. In due time you will realize your destiny." She smirks soon after this. 

The woman is dressed up in a business clothing. She has glasses and has red hair. She looks like someone who would work in an office, not kidnapping. The door opens again and the same two men grab me by my arms and lead me out of the room. The hallway is a bright white color. Likethe hallway in my latest dream. As the we turn a corner, Allison walks past me. She doesn't take a single look at me. As we walk down this corridor, I notice that there is a couple more people following us. All dressed up like the woman I was just in the room with. 

We then turn another corner but there is just a door not a hallway. As one of the men presses a button on the side of the door, it opens up. They lead me through the door and into a nice furnished room. The floor is made of a type of wood. It is cool and smooth. They lead me to a chair in front of a desk. There is a man sitting behind the desk. He has dark skin, clean cut hair, and a nice business suit. He is just staring at me with piercing eyes. He motions for the two men to leave the room.

"Hello Phoenix.", he says. How does he know my name? "My name is Joshua. We have been keeping an eye on you for a very long time." " So what?", I ask. "You must be wondering who I am and why you here, correct?" he says with a stern voice. I nod my head. "Well you here because you are a very powerful creature, a very special one of our kind." Wait a second, our kind? "What do you mean our kind?", I ask. 

He smiles and says, "Yes Phoenix, werelion or as we call it now Nemean Lions." He gets up and walks to a portrait hanging on one of the walls. The picture shows a lion pride but one of the lions is different. It is colored white instead of brown. "Phoenix, do you see the lion that is different from the others?" I reply yes. "You are much more powerful than half of the Nemean's in this building alone." 

"So your saying that I'm the white lion in that picture?", I ask. He replies, "Exactly," he turns towards me, "you are a Pryphoros Blooded." "What does Pryphoros mean?", I ask. "It means fire bearer in Greek." He turns around to look at the picture again. " What makes you so special about you is that you are much physically and mentally stronger than most of your kind. You also posses much more control of fire." as he finishes this, I remember in the fight I suddenly ignited my body, and I felt no pain from it at all. "Lastly, you have much more of a spiritual link with your animal spirit but it doesn't explain why it makes you such a killer."

As he is talking, I am trying to break off these cuffs but to no avail. He turns to me again, " You understand what you are now?" I nod my head, and ask, "So what now, are you gonna do horrible experiments or make me your own personal weapon?", with an aggressive voice. "No, were gonna let you go free.", he surprises me with this statement.", but we are going to keep on eye on you and help you develop your abilities for the sake of our kin. You willl one day become a great leader in our world." In my mind, That's what you think. "Okay so what now?", I ask.

"First your gonna be taken home, but I am going to have one our kind monitor you and help you develop along with the werewolf.", he says. "Then once your life goes back to "normal", we will have you come here once every month to test your progress. Once you have become a fully develop and became a Lion, we will give you a special item."

"Sounds easy enough. So who is gonna be the one monitoring me?" He turns just as someone enters the door. I turn and expecting Allison, I am surprised it is not. It is a girl, looking about my age with glossed black hair, and green piercing eyes. She has pale white skin, she is lean and a bit shorter than me. She is dressed in a school uniform. Joshua says," This is Phoenicia .She will be attending your school and will be in every one of your classes. She is a very powerful one but not as much as you will soon become." The girl smiles at me and says, " It is an honor to be able to attend school with you", she then bows to me. I say," Please you don't have to do that." 

The same two men from last time enter the room and uncuff me. My wrists feel sore from those things on. Joshua then asks me," So are you ready?"

"I'm ready"  

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