Chapter 21- A Problem

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-- Hey guys in this chapter Im going to kind of open up about Phoenix and Daniel's friendship. Hope you enjoy--

 As me, Daniel, and Phoenicia walk into my first period class, I forget to introduce Phoenicia andvice versa. "Daniel, this is Phoenicia. She just moved in across the street." Daniel just replies with a "that's cool". My teacher isn't in class today, instead we have some substitute. All he does is tell us what to do and he's off to his desk. Phoenicia sits to the right of me and Daniel in front of me. As he turns, he starts to tell me how he got this amazing kill in Call of Duty. I don't really care so I be nice about it and just say cool. Then Daniel motions for me to turn my head and whispers to me, "Does she know about you?" I nod my head and he just looks at Phoenicia and says, "So you know about him?" She nods her head. 

See Daniel and Chris are the only ones of my friends that actually know that I am a werelion orNemean Lion or whatever. I told Daniel approximately a week after Chris told me what I was. So he knows what happens when I lose my cool. After that our relationship became better, so now we see each other as brothers. I don't know where I would be without this guy or Chris. They have helped me get through tough times and I will be sure to return the favor. I still have not told him about Phoenicia yet. I tap his shoulder to get his attention. "Hey dude this is Phoenicia, she is also part lion also." He nods his head and says, "Cool so your not alone after all?" I nod and turn to Phoenicia who is just sitting there listening to us. "So where did you find her?" Before I answer I turn to Phoenicia to see if it would be okay to tell Daniel about what happened. She just nods her head like she read my thoughts.

I begin to then tell Daniel the crazy story of how I got in a fight with Chris, kidnapped from the hospital, and ended up with someone from a group whos intentions I haven't even discovered yet watching me. "Damn thats crazy man so how are you feeling now?" He says. "I'm fine don't sweat." I say. He looks at Phoenicia and says, "So why are you following him around?" "I am supposed to monitor and record his evolution that he is to under go in the following months." I turn to her and say, "Wait months?!" This person is going to live with me for months? Well I guess I better get to know her.

The first bell period rings and we gather our stuff and head to 2nd period. Daniel has a class different than me and Phoenicia. As we walk into the class, Phoenicia tells me, "I need to tell you something." When I take a seat, I ask her, "What's up?" She says, "Your friend Daniel. I see him as a problem to your evolution." I laugh at her remark. "Daniel is not a problem don't worry about it okay." She just gives me a mean look and turns away. "Oh aren't you feisty." She turns to me and says, "You have barely even seen me in action." 

"You haven't seen me in action so that makes us even Little Missy."  She just turns and ignores me. The rest of the period is spent copying down notes on how to be better with your observing skills.Man I love Law Enforcement. 

There is something about Phoenicia that makes her different than Joshua, and the other Lions I smelt while I was at there headquarters or whatever it was. When I get home I'll be sure to ask about her and learn her history. I'm going to have to some time soon. 

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