Chapter 23- Shopping

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-- This chapter is going to be from Phoenicia's point of view. So what do you guys think of Phoenix and Phoenicia? Do you think it could work or no? :D Remember to vote and become a fan people :D As always enjoy :D!!!--

Chapter 23- Shopping

Phoenicia's P.O.V

The atmosphere is tense. One small mistake and its over. This is too difficult. I have no idea how Phoenix can do understand this so easily. Surely if he can do it I can. I just hope I do not fail. I get up from my desk and turn in my test confident that I have gotten an A+ or at least a B. Phoenix gets up a minute later and places the paper and walks back to his desk. Even when he is walking, he shows much power. 

I still don't get why he randomly ask me to this dance. I have never been to one before, but I know what they are. A place for where a bunch of teenagers dance dirty and stand around to talk with friends. Oh well it's his choice. I would have preferred a restaurant or something else better than a dance. The bell rings and I could notice that Phoenix is still getting used to his advanced hearing still. I cannot help but laugh at him. 

Phoenix sits much closer to the exit, and I get stuck behind a crowd of people trying to get out in a hurry. When I exit out the door, Phoenix is standing there with a smile on his face. I walk up to him and ask, "What's with the smirk?"  He says, "Someone has to go shopping with Jamie." I have to shop with her? That's not so bad hopefully she can help me find something to wear to the dance. We walk over to our hangout spot as I have come to know it and Jamie walks up to me. She says, "We better leave now if we want this to be alot easier." With a smile I nod my head. 

I tell Phoenix that I will be home later, he nods and says he's gonna be waiting at home. Me and Jamie hope into her truck. I pull down the mirror to check my hair. It could look great with some red highlights. My dark flowing black hair. I love it so much. We then hope onto the freeway and head to the closet mall. We then begin our hunt for the perfect outfit. First off we start with the big brand name stores. Forever 21 didn't have anything good we liked. An hour later, we still have no luck. 

We find a bench and sit down to rest. Jamie then asks, "So your supposed to go to the dance with Phoenix aren't you?" She asks in a questioning tone. I nod my head and she says, "That's great and he's an awesome guy I think you'll love him." As she finishes this sentence, I begin to think. Love? I like him but do I love him? Also will this affect my mission. Will any of this risk it? This has been Joshua's dream and now he finally has it in his grasp. I shake off my thoughts and we head back to her car. Before we exit out the mall, we pass by a store. It is a small store with a couple of dresses. There is a red dress that I think would look amazing on me. We go in and in 10 minutes, I walk out with a dress for the dance.

As we are zooming down the highway, I think. Phoenix is truly unlike anyone. He is a powerful warrior capable of spreading death and destruction yet he has a big heart. Joshua expects him to be a great leader and so do I. Hopefully I will be able to help him with our people and lead by his side. Every great pride leader needs a great lioness to help him and back him up through trouble.

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